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MIRS: Japanese Studies Specialization

The Masters in International and Regional Studies (MIRS) Japanese studies specialization is designed for students with an interest in acquiring advanced proficiency in Japanese language in combination with a broad, multidisciplinary understanding of Japan, as well as training in graduate-level research and writing.

Anchored in the Center for Japanese Studies (CJS), the MIRS Japanese studies specialization draws on CJS’s depth in scholarship and research on Japan. CJS fosters communication among diverse disciplines, and encourages new approaches in the understanding of Japan and its place in the world.

See the MIRS Admissions page for more information.

Curriculum (36 credits)

MIRS students will complete a total of 36 credits, distributed over at least two academic disciplines, at the 400-level or above. 27 of these credits are determined by the specialization. The remaining 9 credits are required for all MIRS students. MIRS requirements include two core courses and a graduate colloquium. In addition, MIRS students will have access to a graduate professional development workshop.

For more information, contact [email protected].