Relevant resources for educators in Michigan—including case studies and teaching aids about Michigan’s MENA and Muslim communities, and resources designed by University of Michigan faculty. Have anything to add to this list? Please let us know by emailing [email protected].
Bridging Cultures: Issues and Strategies: A Guide for Schools
This extensive guide from the University of Washington’s Middle East Center helps school administrators and teachers “how to help students from Muslim-majority countries succeed in the American educational system.” Topics include religious accommodations, allyship, and parent and community involvement.
Challenge Islamophobia with Education
Developed by Teaching for Change, this initiative develops intersectional and teacher-tested lesson plans for educators teaching about Islam and Islamophobia in the classroom, including lessons on feminism in Islam, African-American Muslims, and anti-Islamophobia activism . All of the lessons will be available to download for free in the fall of 2018.
Immigrants in Michigan
This website contains resource to help students learn about the demographic makeup in their own state. A PDF fact sheet and handy infographic is available for free download.
Immigrant Student Success
This website by The Immigrant Learning Center contains valuable resources for educators of immigrant students, educators who teach students of diverse national origins, or for teachers who seek to introduce students to issues of immigration for the first time. The website contains lesson plans, resources, and tools for engaging parents in immigrant families.
Islam and Muslim Americans - Arab-American National Museum
The Arab-American National Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, “the only museum among the 17,500 museums in the United States that focuses on the history and contributions of Arab Americans,” published this educational booklet on Islam and Muslim Americans. The AANM is also an excellent destination for educational site visits or field trips, and is a valuable community resource for learning about Arab-American culture.
Islamophobia is Racism: Resource for Teaching and Learning about anti-Muslim Racism in the United States
Professor Evelyn Alsultany at the University of Michigan and the Islamophobia Working Group developed this syllabus for educators seeking an interdisciplinary and social justice-oriented approach to teaching about anti-Muslim racism in the United States.
Muslims in Michigan
The Muslims in Michigan project was formed out a partnership between Michigan Radio and CMENAS. Premiered on April 12, 2010, this five part radio series examines life for Muslim people living in Michigan — beyond religion, this event explored the cultural, political, ethnic,and social lives of this diverse group. Michigan Radio’s Jennifer White hosts this discussion.
No Passport Required: Detroit
This episode of No Passport Required takes place in Detroit and Dearborn and explores the cuisine and food culture of Middle Eastern communities in Southeast Michigan. The episode aired on July 10, 2018.
The Pluralism Project: Selected Case Studies
Harvard University’s The Pluralism Project has developed multiple cases on multicultural and religiously diverse settings in the Middle East and in the United States. Especially relevant for Michigan educators is the case “A Call to Prayer,” based in the Muslim-majority city of Hamtramck, Michigan. For an additional case study based in Troy, Michigan (“Trouble in Troy”), please email The Pluralism Project Assistant Director Alexis Salomone at [email protected].