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East Asia National Resource Center

The University of Michigan East Asia National Resource Center is the co-effort of the Nam Center for Korean Studies, the Center for Japanese Studies, and the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies

  • University of Michigan Professional Networking Conference for Master's Students in East Asian Studies
  • East Asia Professional Development Workshops for Educators, a National Resource Center TVI offering for teachers (see below)

East Asia Professional Development Workshops for Educators

East Asian Migration and Borders: Stories of Identity and Connection

Saturday, December 10, 2022

A One-Day Professional Development Workshop for K-14 Educators East Asia Highlights: China, Japan, Korea

The media is filled with global stories of migration that portray the complex experiences of migrants and the reactions of their final destination countries. This workshop will explore the historical, cultural, and contemporary political borders within China, Japan, and Korea and how conceptions of identity from this region travel the world through art and technology. Featuring lectures from prominent scholars and teacher-based activities, participants will gain insights into shifting cultural identities and establishing a sense of belonging across and within borders.

What does it mean to “cross the line?” How can stories of emigres and sojourners of East Asia change the way we teach world history, geography, government, and the arts?

Addressing Discrimination in the Asian Diaspora

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Workshop video and resources.

A One-Day Professional Development Workshop for K-14 Educators East Asia Highlights: China, Japan, Korea

What are the Asian and Asian-American discrimination issues that students, teachers, and individuals are struggling to understand in today’s globalized world? How do teachers interweave the politics of immigration into world history and civics curriculum?  What makes a place a home for someone, and how do we build on the storyscapes of the under-written histories of anti-Asian racism and Asian-American identity?

Removing the screen from “over there,” experts in Area and Asian-American studies will explore identity, immigration and nationality and provide a discussion forum for applying these ideas into classroom use.  Content covered will include snapshots from mid-19th century-20th century histories of China, Japan and Korea; the push-pull factors for immigration; exclusionary immigration policies; and the nuances of Asian American identity.  Insights will be made into Asian-ness as well as “Asian-Americanness,” with one of the takeaways being the “hyphen" in hyphenated ethnicities, the middle ground to individuality and self.

Gardens and the Environment | A Virtual Live and Asynchronous Learning Event for K-14 Teachers

November 13-21, 2020

Compare and contrast garden cultures and sustainability through lectures and virtual 'visits' to China, Japan and Korea. The backbone of this trek takes participants from home sites in the U.S. to classical Asian gardens. As aesthetically designed outdoor spaces, traditional gardens occupied different types of space for different user groups—among them being imperial hunting parks, royal gardens, temple grounds, courtyards, and scholar estates.  Today’s conceptions of garden, however, must negotiate dramatic social, agricultural and urban change. This workshop attempts to balance 'visits' to historical sites with newly conceived iterations on gardens as well as challenges posed by sustainability in the modern world. 


Coordinated by the Center for Japanese Studies, the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies, and the Nam Center for Korean Studies at the University of Michigan with support from Title VI.

Archived workshop materials are available for educators upon request. Please contact [email protected] for further information.

Read more about a Garden Tour through China, Japan and Korea

2019 Professional Development Workshop on Teaching about East Asia | Architecture and Urban Space in East Asia: History, Geography and Culture through Place/Space

November 9, 2019

A free K-12 and community college teachers' workshop focusing on architecture as a means for exploring history, culture, and geography in the context of China, Japan, and Korea. The workshop is organized by the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies (LRCCS), Center for Japanese Studies (CJS) and the Nam Center for Korean Studies (NCKS) at the University of Michigan's International Institute.