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The Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia (WCEE) is dedicated to enhancing interdisciplinary knowledge about, and public engagement with, the institutions, cultures, and histories of Europe and Eurasia. WCEE gifts help support internships, faculty and student travel, visiting lecturers, and special courses related to Europe and Eurasia. 

WCEE and its affiliated centers — the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (CREES) and the Copernicus Center for Polish Studies (CCPS) — are housed in the University of Michigan International Institute

Weiser Strategic Fund

Gifts to the Weiser Strategic Fund support the Weiser Center for Europe & Eurasia's (WCEE) student fellowships and internships, faculty research, international collaboration, courses, conferences, lectures, Ukrainian initiatives, and projects related to Europe and Eurasia.

The Weiser Strategic Fund supports WCEE’s Ukraine initiatives, including the WCEE Scholars at Risk Fellowship and The Reckoning Project at WCEE. Note "WCEE Ukraine Program" on any donations to the Weiser Strategic Fund that you wish to support Ukraine-focused programming.

For more information on the various ways you can support the Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia, please contact [email protected].