Dear Colleagues,

We are devastated to share the news that we have lost Professor Xiaohong Xu after a courageous struggle with cancer. He passed away on December 12 surrounded by family and friends. Xiaohong was assistant professor of sociology and Chinese Studies in the Department of Sociology and the International Institute, and the Associate Director of the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies. He was also a member of the MIRS Executive Committee. 

Xiaohong was a brilliant scholar, a kind and generous friend, and a devoted husband and father. The tremendous outpouring of love and admiration from around the world that we have seen in the past month is a testament to his impact on so many lives. This is a terrible loss for our department and community—and for a transnational community of scholars and friends.  

A number of people have expressed their feelings about the sheer unfairness of this loss. He developed close friends and colleagues in every institution and intellectual community in which he participated on his path. He was a true intellectual, passionately devoted to his scholarship, and was on a run of tremendous productivity. As his colleague and friend, Professor Yang Zhang wrote recently, Xiaohong was “the most brilliant and ambitious Chinese sociologist of my generation, and our generous friend and colleague. His path-breaking and paradigm-building work about the 20th-century Chinese Revolution has been published in American Sociological Review, Sociological Theory, and Theory and Society. In addition, Xiaohong has been working on an important monograph about the political origins of postsocialist China.” 

The U-M Department of Sociology and the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies at the International Institute plan to host a fully hybrid commemorative event to enable Xiaohong’s far flung network to share in the recognition of a life of well-lived and his lasting intellectual contributions. We will distribute details of this event and a plan for an award in his honor after our community works through the first throes of shock and grief. 

His wife Lang Chen and close friend Roi Livne offer this heartbreaking obituary

We mourn with you all,

Mary and Ann

Mary Gallagher, Director, University of Michigan International Institute
Ann Chih Lin, Director, UM Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies






这篇令人心碎的讣文,来自于徐老师的妻子陈朗和亲密的朋友Roi Livne。


国际研究院主任   高敏

李侃如-罗睿驰中国研究中心主任  林安之

徐晓宏教授, 一位杰出的历史、政治、文化、政治经济和中国研究的社会学家,在与癌症长期斗争后,于2023年12月12日在密歇根州安娜堡家附近的临终关怀医院去世,时年45岁。他生前是美国密西根大学社会与中国研究助理教授(2019-2023)与密大国际研究院的李侃如-罗睿驰中国研究中心副主任 (2023)。他是中国改革开放年代成长起来、2000年以后出国求学一代中的杰出代表,也是一位友善慷慨的朋友,忠诚的丈夫和慈爱父亲。

众所周知,徐教授才华横溢、思想独创、富有想象力;而他的博学和好奇心与他的善良和热情相得益彰。在过去二十年里,他致力于创建一个崭新的文化分析框架,以比较历史研究为锐器,探讨二十世纪中国革命、社会变迁和政治经济的重大议题。徐教授多篇开创性研究论文发表在American Sociological Review等社会学和历史学的知名英文期刊,并获得美国社会学学会多个论文奖项。在他生命的最后三个月,徐教授还坚持修改发表了两篇重要的学术论文。他雄心勃勃的著述,将对比较历史社会学、文化研究和社会理论产生持久的影响。

在学术研究之外,徐教授也是严肃介入公共事务的知识分子,热情投入有关当代议题的讨论,在公共论坛上撰文评论时事,并参与了太平洋两岸的数次社会运动。作为学术共同体的积极建设者,徐教授与其他几位社会学家、历史学家共同创办了时间社 (THiS:,致力于推动中英文学术界的跨学科对话和沟通。他不但规划了时间社的发展方向,还一直亲力亲为地参与组织相关活动。晓宏的温和、睿智与勤奋打动每一个与他相识的人,为他的朋友们所爱戴。


