The Lieberthal-Rogel Distinguished Visitor Program provides an opportunity for University of Michigan students, faculty, and community at large to connect with prominent individuals (diplomats and other government officials, journalists, public intellectuals, NGO leaders, business innovators, artists, etc.) whose lives and careers have had significant public impact on advancing relationships with China and deepening understanding of China. Demonstrating first-hand the successful bridging of the divide between knowing and doing and between theory and practice, the distinguished visitors can reflect upon their work while interacting and engaging with a new generation of leaders.
The duration of each residency varies, though the preferred minimum is four weeks and the preferred maximum six months. Residency includes and but not limited to:
- Delivering the Lieberthal-Rogel Distinguished Visitor Lecture
- Participating in discussion with undergraduate and graduate students on relevant topics
- Writing or researching projects
- Connecting with faculty who have relevant disciplinary expertise
- Occasionally mentoring undergraduate and graduate students
Residency provides
- generous honorarium;
- travel allowance;
- research funding;
- dedicated office at LRCCS in Weiser Hall; and
- housing assistance.
Distinguished Lecturer
The duration of each mini visit is a two-day period on campus--visitors will be asked to give one major speech, and interact in more informal settings with faculty and students.
Visit provides 1) honorarium 2) lodging, ground transportation and meals; and 3) dedicated office at LRCCS in Weiser Hall.
Please send nominations to [email protected]--submissions evaluated on a rolling basis.