The Brazil Initiative at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies offers annual scholarships of $500 - $1,000 for Portuguese language study at U-M. The scholarships are open to all U-M undergraduate students in any program. Congratulations to the 2020-2021 Awardees.

Nicolas Pereira, Senior, Spanish & Microbiology:

Morgan Cobb, Sophomore, Chemical Engineering:

Brendan Doyle, Junior, Economics (Minors: Portuguese & Environmental Science):

Monica De Silva Reguera, Senior, Chemical Engineering:

Sara Gleason,  Sophomore, International Studies & Romance Languages(Spanish & Portuguese):

George Bloom, Junior, Biology Health & Society (Pre--Dental):

Emmanuel Orozco Castellanos, Junior, International Studies (International Security, Norms & Cooperation):

Vidya Srinivasan, Freshman, Undecided:

Jordan Halpern, Sophomore, International Studies, History:

Zane Jone, Junior, International Studies; Minor, Computer Science, Energy Science & Policy:

Emily Nelson, Freshman, Undecided (Pre-Med):

Emir Erben, Sophomore, Computer Science Engineering & Data Science:

Ian Lonergan, Sophomore, Undecided:

 Valerie Reeves, Junior, international Studies:

For more information on the scholarship for the 2021-2022 Academic Year, visit the funding page or contact [email protected] with questions.