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Translating the Americas

In collaboration with our Brazilian partners, University of Michigan faculty, and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS), the Brazil Initiative facilitates the translation and dissemination of important research about Latin America in Spanish, Portuguese, and English languages.  These translations can be accessed on LACS’ Translating the Americas, an online platform for the publication and distribution of translations of previously published articles and book chapters.

Brazil Initiative’s Contributors to “Translating the Americas”

Paul Christopher Johnson
Departamento de História, Centro para Estudos Afro-Americanos e Africanos, e Programa de Doutorado em Antropologia e História, Universidade de Michigan:
An Atlantic Geneology of ‘Spirit Possession’ (Uma genealogia atlântica da ‘possessão de espíritos’)


Keila Grinberg
Department of History, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro:
Re-enslavement, Rights, and Justice in Nineteenth Century Brazil (Re-escravização, direitos e justiças no Brasil do século XIX)


Angela de Castro Gomes
Department of History, Fluminense Federal University:
Labor Analogous to Slavery: The Construction of a Problem (Trabalho análogo a de escravo: construindo um problema)

Luiz Felipe de Alencastro

Center for Brazilian and South Atlantic Studies and Department of History, University of Paris, Sorbonne:
Affirmative Action: An Opinion Submitted to the Brazilian Supreme Court in the Case ADPF/186 (Parecer sobre_a_Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental, ADPF 186)



Jean M. Hébrard
Center for Research on Colonial and Contemporary Brazil, EHESS; Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Michigan:
Slavery in Brazil: Brazilian Scholars in the Key Interpretive Debates (L’esclavage au Brésil : le débat historiographique et ses raciness)

Rosalie... minha escrava


Rebecca J. Scott
Departamento de História e Faculdade de Direito, University of Michigan:
O Trabalho Escravo Contemporâneo e os Usos da História

Rosalie... minha escrava


Interested in publishing an article?

Queries, submissions, and applications should be sent to [email protected] with the subject line “Translation.”  For more details about the submission guidelines »

Apply to be a translator or copy editor

Queries should be sent to [email protected] with the subject line “Translating the Americas translator or copy editor.”