Clinical Associate Professor, Nursing
[email protected]
Office Information:
University of Michigan School of Nursing, 426 North Ingalls Building, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2003
phone: 734.647.0156
Center for Southeast Asian Studies;
CSEAS Faculty
B.S.N., University of Michigan; M.S., University of Michigan; Ph.D., University of Michigan
Dr. Bigelow strives to help students become critical thinkers at an advanced level, to develop and understand the use of evidence-based clinical problem solving strategies and skills, and to take an active role in their education and learning in both classroom and clinical settings. Always aiming to be an inspiration to her students and graduate nurses, Dr. Bigelow teaches in the graduate program in the Division of Health Promotion and Risk Reduction, in the first year of clinical courses for the Adult Primary Care and Family Primary Care students, and in the Advanced Health Assessment course. Additionally, Dr. Bigelow supports nurse practitioner students in the adult and family tracks through their clinical practice.