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Besa: The Promise

Wednesday, March 18, 2015
4:00 AM
UMMA Stern Auditorium

A documentary film by Norman Gershman & Q & A with photographer Stuart Huck and Prof. Frances Trix

This compelling documentary reveals the little known history of Albanian Muslims who risk their lives to help Jewish refugees during World War II.  The film follows two men, Rexhep Hoxha and photographer Norman Gershman, as they embark on a journey for Rexhep to fulfill a promise made by his father to a Jewish family during the Holocaust.

Screening is free and open to the public


After the screening, an Albanian buffet and music at Ama's Bistro (215 S. State St.) will be available.  Students free (with voucher), all others $20.

For questions, please email: [email protected]

Sponsored by: AASO, Judaic Studies, International Institute, Islamic Studies Program, CMENAS

Stuart Huck; Frances Trix