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William A. and Shirley P. Yolles Graduate Fund for Research on Humanitarianism

The Yolles Graduate Fund for Research on Humanitarianism is designed to support a Rackham graduate student whose research focuses on broadly-defined humanitarian subjects.

Award amount is up to $6,500.

Funding is not available for language study or service learning. Applications must be submitted by individuals; team or group submissions are not permitted.

The Yolles Graduate Fund for Research on Humanitarianism application is part of a common application with Global Individual Grants and the Rackham International Research Awards.

Application Opens: December 1 at 12:01 a.m.

Application Deadline: February 15 at 11:59 p.m.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicant must be enrolled in a Rackham Graduate program (masters or doctoral), regardless of citizenship.
  • Upon completing the project, student must return to campus for at least one term prior to graduation.
  • Research projects cannot begin before May 1st, and cannot extend past May 31st of the following year.
  • Projects must take place outside of the U.S. and U.S. territories.
  • Research projects must be at least 30 days (1 month) in length.
  • All travel must follow current guidelines, which are detailed in the International Institute Travel Policy.
  • All projects must meet the Institutional Review Board, if applicable.

Application Components

Please submit the following application materials by February 15 via the online application here. The application includes:  

  1. Online Application form
  2. One recommendation letter
  3. Statement of Purpose: (single-spaced, 12-pt. font, 3 pages maximum, including any bibliography, citations, project timetable, graphics, etc.)
  4. Project budget
  5. Letter of Invitation or Description of In-country Resources
  6. Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  7. U-M Transcript

Increase your chances of securing funding by applying for a Region or Country-Specific Opportunity in conjunction with this award. Don't miss out - read more here.

Award Reporting Requirements

Grantees will be required to provide a brief report outlining the experience within one month of their return to the United States.

Selection Process

A selection committee comprised of faculty affiliated with the International Institute will evaluate the applications on the following criteria: feasibility, relevance to degree program, relevance to career goals, record of academic achievement, and overall quality of the application. 


After careful review of the information above, interested applicants should schedule a fellowships advising appointment or contact [email protected] with questions.