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STEM-Africa Collaborative Faculty Seed Grant

Application Deadline: March 22

Download the cover sheet »

Award Amount: up to $10,000

The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Initiative is part of the African Studies Center at the University of Michigan. STEM-Africa is making research funds available to support collaborative research projects being undertaken by co-PIs at the University of Michigan and an African institution of higher learning and/or knowledge production. Applications are encouraged for projects that promote and enrich existing STEM initiatives in Africa and support new intellectual engagements that extend scientific knowledge and nurture emerging STEM scholars on the continent.


The aim of these grants is to create a framework within which U-M scholars can develop relationships with African scholars. The hope is that these seed grants will incubate work that can attract larger amounts of funding.


Each proposal must be accompanied by a completed cover sheet as illustrated at the end of this RFA. Other recommended program elements include:

  • Project description (2-page maximum), addressing:
    • Context of the work
    • Specific activities proposed for funding
    • Rationale, noting originality and significance of the work
    • Partnerships (if any), and expected roles of listed participants
    • Plan for continuation of the proposed project
  • Budget (1-page maximum) distinguishing travel, salary, supplies/equipment, and other
  • List of any funding requests under review for the same project
  • Timeline
  • CV(s) of the applicant, listed partners, and students proposed for funding

The cover sheet and additional application materials should be submitted as a single PDF, named “STEM-AFRICA SEED GRANT [YOUR LAST NAME].” The PDF document should be emailed to [email protected] no later than April 15. Applications received after this date will not be considered for funding. Applications will be reviewed by STEM-Africa Steering Committee members.


Ranking of applications will be based upon the following criteria:

  • U-M based applicants must be ASC Associate or interested in becoming one
  • Projects builds upon existing scholarship, demonstrates originality and innovation, and offers notable academic value
  • Project deepens collaborative partnerships with African counterparts
  • Scope of work is reasonable for 12 to 18 months
  • Project has potential for future expansion / scale up


All research projects involving human subjects conducted in connection with this seed grant must have written evidence of compliance with required federal guidelines and approval from an institutional review board (IRB). IRB approvals must be maintained and in effect throughout the project’s connection with the program.

Grant recipients will be required to share an interim progress report halfway through their funding cycle, and will be required to submit a final report to ASC no later than 6 months from the end of their funding cycle. In addition, grant recipients are required to provide a short summary of results for the ASC website.

Questions may be directed to [email protected].