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Year-round Study Abroad Funding

All travel must follow current guidelines, which are detailed in the International Institute Travel Policy.

Se Lin (Sharon) Joh, International Studies BA ‘20. Abroad experience in Morocco. Summer 2017.

The Program in International and Comparative Studies (PICS) encourages International Studies students, both majors and minors, to study abroad. PICS provides financial assistance to a limited number of students enrolled in the Program in International and Comparative Studies and registered for an approved study abroad program, either during the academic year or during the spring and/or summer terms.

An approved program is defined as one organized by the U-M's Center for Global and Intercultural Study (CGIS) or one pre-approved by a PICS advisor. PICS funds may be used for travel, living expenses, or to offset the cost of tuition.

For a full academic year study abroad (Fall and Winter) students receive $2,500; for one semester study abroad (Fall or Winter) students receive $1,250; and for Spring or Summer study abroad students receive $625.

The PICS Study Abroad Fellowship Application is available on InfoReady. The spring/summer application is due on Saturday, March 15, 2025. For more information, contact: [email protected]. Please note that PICS funds are limited and the funding is not guaranteed.