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Arctic Internship Fellowship

All travel must follow current guidelines, which are detailed in the International Institute Travel Policy.


The Arctic Internship Fellowship provides funding for University of Michigan undergraduate students to complete internships that students secure from reputable organizations, to create independent student-designed research projects.

Past applicants have studied in disciplines that include: anthropology, chemistry, environment, ecology, evolutionary biology, history, international studies, medical anthropology, neuroscience, political science, and public policy.

Grants of up to $2,000 to will be awarded to a limited number of students. Funding can be used by the student to pay travel and living expenses. These funds are primarily intended for students working unpaid, but if students are being paid, it is possible to receive funding to offset expenses not covered by the host organization.


Undergraduate students at the University of Michigan from any department may apply. Students graduating in winter/spring/summer of 2025 are not eligible to apply.

Options for Fellowship

  • Students can secure their own internship from a reputable organization with a focus on the Arctic
  • Students can create an independent Student-Designed Research Project

Application Process

Students should apply for this fellowship opportunity via M-Compass. Please clearly indicate which option of the Arctic Internship Fellowship you intend to pursue in your M-Compass application.


Funding for all positions in the Arctic is available from PICS.


Applications are due on Saturday, March 1, 2025

Contact Information

[email protected]

Read more about the internships, research, and projects of past Fellows.