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Request to co-sponsor an event

The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies accepts requests for event co-sponsorship on a rolling basis subject to funding availability.

Requests will be considered for events on topics relating specifically to Latin America and/or the Caribbean, although cross-regional topics are also funded. Events that are interdisciplinary in nature are highly encouraged. Please send an email request to [email protected] and include the following information:

  • Event date and time
  • Title of event and names of invited guests
  • Description of event (type of event, benefit to the university, speaker bios and abstracts, itineraries, etc)
  • Type of co-sponsorship requested (financial, promotional, etc)
    • If requesting funds, please include:
      • the amount requested
      • a detailed budget that shows the total cost of the event, a breakdown of individual expenses, (e.g., airfare, ground transportation, lodging, honorarium payments, etc. While you should include all costs in the budget you send to us, please note that LACS will not contribute to any catering or hosting expenses). 
      • dollar amount of contributions you are seeking or have secured from other units, and their status (confirmed or pending)

Event organizers: Please note that LACS does not transfer funds from one U-M shortcode to another. We pay directly for allowable expenses. We suggest you submit requests for funding well in advance of your event to ensure sufficient time to coordinate payment. Thank you!