Slavery Against the Law: Enslavement and Human Trafficking in Historical Perspective, from the Amistad Captives (1839) to Siliadin v. France
Thursday, October 6, 2011
4:00 AM
250 Hutchins Hall (U of M Law School)
Invited panelists include Michael Zeuske (History, University of Köln), Rebecca Scott (Law and History, UM), Ibrahima Thioub (History, UCAD-Dakar, Senegal), and Christopher McCrudden (Law, Queen’s University Belfast, UM, and Oxford). The panel discussion will be chaired by Martha Jones (Law and History, UM). For further information and updates, or access to the UM CTools limited-access website containing papers, please contact Rebecca Scott at [email protected] and Graham Nessler at [email protected]
Presented by:
The University of Michigan’s Program in Race, Law & History and the Law in Slavery and Freedom Project, with support from LACS, the African Studies Center, the Department of History, and the Institute for the Humanities
Presented by:
The University of Michigan’s Program in Race, Law & History and the Law in Slavery and Freedom Project, with support from LACS, the African Studies Center, the Department of History, and the Institute for the Humanities