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Back from the Archives: Atlantic Exchanges

Friday, October 7, 2011
4:00 AM
The Institute for the Humanities (202 S. Thayer St.)

Papers of this workshop have been organized into three sessions covering the following topics: “The Circulation of People and Ideas in an Age of Revolutions” (10a.m.-12p.m.); “Labor and Social Memory” (2:00-3:15p.m.); and “Slavery, Freedom, and Gender” (3:45-5:00p.m.). Please contact Graham Nessler at [email protected] in order to be added to the CTools site on which the documents will be made available.
Presented by the U-M Institute for the Humanities, with additional support from

The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS)
The Law in Slavery and Freedom Project
The Program in Race, Law & History
The African Studies Center

As well as the Center for Latin American Studies of New York University; and the Centre Africain de Recherche sur les Traites et les Esclavages (CARTE), Dakar, Senegal.