Tuesday, March 30, 2010
4:00 AM
Osterman Conference RoomUM Institute for the Humanities202 South Thayer Street
9:30-12:00 Freedom and Captivity.Rudolph WareThe Book in Chains: The Revolution of Fuuta Tooro and the Problem of SlaveryIbrahima Thioub?Captifs de case?: Status and Role in Eighteenth-Century Saint-Louis du SénégalRebecca Scott and Jean-Michel HébrardFrom Senegambia to Saint-Domingue: Rosalie of the Poulard NationDiscussant: Mamadou Diouf (History, Columbia University)2:30PM - 5 PM Getting the documents to speakMamadou DioufFreedom papers drawn up for slaveholders in Saint-Louis du SénégalIbrahima ThioubAn appeal for freedom addressed to the French colonial authoritiesRudolph WareThomas Clarkson describes the Almamy of Fuuta Tooro, ca. 1785.Jean Hébrard,'It's time to go to Galam!': The role of the French in the organization of the slave trade on the Senegal RiverComment: Invited guests, students, and others in the audienceSponsored by the University of Michigan Institute for the Humanities, the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the African Studies Center, and the Law in Slavery and Freedom Project.