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CREES Faculty Conference Travel Grants

Subject to availability of funding, awards will be made to CREES Faculty Associates who will present REES-focused papers or serve as chairs or discussants for REES-focused sessions at regional, national, or international conferences.

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and must be submitted in advance of the conference. Awards will be made on a first-come, first-serve basis until funds are expended. Since CREES funds are limited, we ask that faculty draw on other sources of conference funding first.

Applicants must submit an application form and supporting documents noted on the form to [email protected]

WCEE Faculty Grants

On a case-by-case basis and contingent on the availability of funds, the CREES Director will consider other requests for modest funding from CREES Faculty Associates. Please submit a WCEE Faculty Grant request form to apply.

Other Requests

CREES might, in some cases, provide limited administrative support for foreign scholars sponsored by CREES Faculty Associates (e.g. library privileges, an email account, and an Mcard). We also encourage CREES faculty to develop collaborative projects with scholars from select countries from the region. The latter may  apply for Weiser Professional Development Fellowships and spend 4-6 weeks in Ann Arbor.

Funding for faculty projects is also available from the International Institute.