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ISSC Offices and Responsibilities

The International Studies Student Council (ISSC) consists of four offices. Office holders must be international studies concentrators and are elected for a one year term. All declared international studies concentrators are eligible to vote in these elections, which are organized by the Program in International and Comparative Studies (PICS).

President: The president presides at meetings of the ISSC, oversees and coordinates all student activities sponsored by ISSC, attends Program in International and Comparative Studies (PICS) Advisory Committee meetings which are held once per semester. The president has non-voting powers but is an advocate for international studies students, and is the chief spokesperson for the student board unless otherwise specified by the PICS director. The president shall also prepare a formal end-of-year report on the board's activities.

Vice president: The vice president chairs meetings in the absence of the president, and will also assist the president in the preparation of the end-of-year report.Treasurer: The treasurer maintains the council's financial records, prepares budgets, and advises the council on fiscal matters.

Secretary: The secretary works with the PICS student advisor to arrange office space for board meetings, prepares the agenda for board meetings, maintains a record of the meetings and actions of the board, and assists the president and vice president in the preparation of the end-of-year report.

Treasurer: The treasurer maintains the council's financial records, prepares budgets, and advises the council on fiscal matters.