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Become a CSAS Affiliate

CSAS Affiliate Program

CSAS has been a hub of interdisciplinary research for faculty and researchers from a variety of disciplines and professional schools at the University of Michigan who are substantially engaged in research and/or teaching on South Asia or have an interest in South Asian studies. To expand this intellectual community and develop a local South Asian studies community, CSAS has established an Affiliates Program.


Those in one of the following three categories are eligible to apply:

  1. Alumni of U-M graduate or professional programs who are engaged in research and/or teaching on South Asia or have an interest in South Asian studies.
  2. Scholars based at colleges or universities in the region (Michigan, Ohio, Indiana) who are engaged in research and/or teaching on South Asia, including U-M adjunct faculty/researchers as well as UMHS residents.
  3. Former U-M faculty, visiting instructional faculty, visiting scholars, visiting graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and CSAS event guests who are nominated by CSAS faculty. 

Application Procedures

Please submit your request through the online Affiliate Application.

We will request the following information:

  • Your Institutional Email
  • Your relation to U-M (if any)
  • Name and email of CSAS faculty member who will nominate you (Please complete this question if you are former U-M faculty, visiting instructional faculty, visiting scholars, visiting graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and CSAS event guests. 
  • A statement (500 words or less) describing (a) your work in South Asian Studies including current projects; and (b) how you anticipate your affiliation with CSAS would be useful to both you and CSAS
  • A current CV (5 pages or less)

Application Deadlines

September 30 and March 31 annually. All complete applications are reviewed by the CSAS Executive Committee.


Membership in the CSAS Affiliate program will be based primarily on researchers having a substantial research interest in South Asia. It is expected that all Affiliates will follow relevant policies and guidelines for the use of university resources and conduct. Affiliate membership will be reviewed by the CSAS Executive Committee every three years. 


  • CSAS Affiliates are included in CSAS’s email list and receive notices of academic events and research/funding opportunities.
  • Regular faculty from other universities and colleges in the State of Michigan as well as from Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) member institutions are eligible for free borrowing privileges at the U-M Library. For Affiliates who do not fall under this category, CSAS can assist with acquiring free borrowing privileges as a U-M Library “Visiting Scholar.”
  • CSAS Affiliates are eligible for a uniqname (a U-M computing ID).  
  • UM alumni are encouraged to keep their MCards and renew them on their own. For details, please see the MCard website. For non-UM-alumni Affiliates, CSAS will assist with the MCard application.

Please note that CSAS cannot provide office space, phone/fax/computer access, mailboxes, business cards, administrative/translation services, research assistance, or parking permits.


Please email [email protected]