CMENAS is dedicated to promoting a broader and deeper understanding of the MENA region, a critical and complex region of the world, both in higher education and in K-14 classrooms.
Our goal is to connect educators to current and pedagogically-sound resources on the Middle East and North Africa, and to minimize the amount of time and energy spent in developing new strategies to teach these subjects in the classroom. You will find lesson plans, online resources, recommended books/films, and resources for educators in Michigan.
Lesson Plans and additional curriculum development guides
Over 30 lesson plans categorized by subject, along with a brief description of the lesson plan; K-14 educational materials on the Middle East and North Africa; and portals of non-profit organizations, think tanks, and educational institutions that feature teaching materials on the Middle East and North Africa.
Books, films, and archival resources
Recommended reading on the Middle East and North Africa, as well as film lists and databases of relevant primary sources.
MENA in Michigan
Case studies and teaching aids about Michigan’s MENA and Muslim communities.
To access more resources for educators, please visit the II Outreach page.
If you have anything to add to these resources, or see something missing, please let us know by emailing us at