Research grants on Southeast Asia and Southeast Asian related issues offered to full-time University of Michigan faculty, librarians, and curators who will be teaching courses are eligible.
Proposals are judged on the following criteria:
- Scholarly merit and potential impact, both to your discipline AND to the understanding of Southeast Asia.
- Contribution of the project to the distinction, visibility, and teaching of Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Michigan.
- Value of the project to advancing the applicant’s research agenda and career. Junior rank will be given preference over senior rank.
- Record of previous CSEAS support, if any.
- Feasibility of the project and appropriateness of the research plan and budget.
Amount: Award vary depending upon available funding.
Application Procedure: Please electronically submit the following materials to [email protected]. The deadline for this grant is rolling.
1. Project description. In a statement of 1000 words or less, explicitly describe the following:
- Goals of your research. What will be learned as a result of the proposed project?
- Questions you seek to address, their importance to your discipline AND to the study of Southeast Asia, and their connection to new lines of inquiry.
- Research plan outlining your methodology and showing the specific work to be undertaken during the grant period.
- If this proposal is part of an ongoing project, please specify the stage that it represents.
- Eventual dissemination or publication plans. How will you share the results of your research? If the project will lead to a book or an article, where do you plan to submit your manuscript?
2. Budget. No summer salary can be funded. A travel per diem in Southeast Asia (includes lodging, meals and transportation) should be used. Computers and other permanent equipment cannot be funded.
3. Curriculum Vitae. Provide an up-to-date C.V. It should include publications and statement of Southeast Asia-related experience.