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Request to co-sponsor an event: In addition to our yearly programming, the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies (CMENAS) is happy to consider requests to co-sponsor MENA related U-M lectures, events and activities that coincide with the Center's mission to promote a broad and deep understanding of the region.
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CMENAS & GISC Event. Fourth Annual MLK Day Lecture: Decolonizing Methods: Nubia and the Politics of Knowledge

Moderator: Samer Ali; Panelists include Yasmin Moll, Geoff Emberling, and Michael Fahy, with performances by Nabra Nelson and Mona Sherif Nelson
Monday, February 8, 2021
4:00-6:00 PM
Nubians are an internally diverse ethnolinguistic community whose historical homeland is located along the Nile River in southern Egypt and northern Sudan.

Panelists discuss strategies for decolonizing knowledge about Nubia at the fraught intersections of race, politics, and history in the Global South.

Panelists include Yasmin Moll, Geoff Emberling, and Michael Fahy, with a performance by Nabra Nelson & Mona-Sherif Nelson. The discussion will be moderated by Samer Ali.

Yasmin Moll (Assistant Professor of Anthropology) is an anthropologist of the Middle East and North Africa. She has been conducting ethnographic fieldwork on Nubian cultural activism in Egypt since 2015. Yasmin’s maternal family is from Kushtmna Sharq, Nubia.

Geoff Emberling (Associate Research Scientist, Kelsey Museum) is an archaeologist and museum curator. He and his team have been working on Nubian archaeological sites in northern Sudan since 2013.

Michael Fahy (Lecturer, School of Education) did his PhD in Anthropology at the University of Michigan on higher education in Morocco. He conducts a range of innovative courses and educational outreach programs that enhance understanding across cultures

Nabra Nelson (Theater Artist and Director of the Nubian Foundation for Preserving a Cultural Heritage), is a theatre creator and community organizer from Nubia, Egypt, and California.

Mona Mohi Eddin Hassan Sherif Ali Ahmed Dawood Khalil Debbabea Kakea, also known as Mona Sherif-Nelson, is the founder of the Nubian Foundation and the daughter and the heir of Nubia’s cultural leader Mohi Eddin Sherif. She spent a lifetime studying and documenting Fadijja Nubian culture.

Moderated by Samer Ali, Director, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies and Global Islamic Studies Center; Associate Professor, Middle East Studies

Join us for this discussion & performance on Monday, February 8th 4:00 - 6:00 PM (ET) by RSVPing here:

Cosponsored by: The Center for Middle Eastern & North African Studies, Global Islamic Studies Center, African Studies Center, Department of Sociology, The University Library
Building: Off Campus Location
Location: Virtual
Event Link:
Event Type: Conference / Symposium
Tags: Africa, African Studies, Area Studies, Discussion, Middle East Studies, Politics, Virtual
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, University Library, International Institute, Global Islamic Studies Center, African Studies Center, Department of Sociology