The Tatra Museum in Zakopane in collaboration with the University of Michigan Copernicus Center for Polish Studies would like to invite you to Hasior’s Run 2021: A virtual 5K race!
Hasior’s Run is an annual event hosted by the Tatra Museum in Zakopane to celebrate the athleticism of Władysław Hasior, an outstanding artist and sculptor who dedicated much of his life to Zakopane. Hasior was known for both his artistic achievements and educational activities. He was also a very talented runner who participated in the Polish Academic Championships and set the record for the 5-kilometer run. The idea to create a run to honor the memory of Władysław Hasior came while reading the artist’s diaries from the Tatra Museum’s collections. Read more about Władysław Hasior’s art and life on the website.
You can participate from anywhere in the world from September 12-26, 2021.
- Distance: 5 km (3.1 mi)
- Registration:
- Regulations:
This semester, CCPS is pleased to sponsor Hasior’s Run along with a related lecture, “The Carpathians: Discovering the Highlands of Poland and Ukraine,” which will be held on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, on Zoom. Patrice M. Dabrowski will discuss her recent book narrating how the three highland ranges of the Carpathian mountain system were discovered for a broader regional public from about 1870 to 1980. This is a story of how the Tatras, Eastern Carpathians, and Bieszczady Mountains went from being terra incognita to becoming the popular tourist destinations they are today. It is a story of the encounter of Polish and Ukrainian lowlanders with the wild, sublime highlands and with the indigenous highlanders—Górale, Hutsuls, Boikos, and Lemkos—and how these peoples were incorporated into a national narrative as the territories were transformed into a native/national landscape.