INTLSTD 301 Registration Information
The Program in International and Comparative Studies is receiving requests for INTLSTD 301 overrides for Fall 2016.
We will not grant overrides for students who have not met the INTLSTD 101 prerequisite and for students who are not declared as International Studies (IS) Majors.
Students can add their names to the INTLSTD 301 wait list once the course is closed and if an opening becomes available, they may receive overrides per Professor Tanielian's consent.
Students wishing to declare the International Studies(IS) Major, may do so after they receive their final grade in INTLSTD 101 this winter. For students enrolled in INTLSTD 101 and DID complete the PICS Declaration form, you should be able to enroll in INTLSTD 301 at the end of April. Declaration forms are available on the PICS Major website.
Students are welcome to attend the PICS Orientation session on Wednesday, April 14 at 4:15-5:15 pm, room 1644 International Institute (SSWB).
For any questions about courses or declaring the IS Major please e-mail Undergraduate Academic Advising, Program in International and Comparative Studies at: [email protected]