International Studies Honors Plan Information Session - Jan. 25
The Program in International and Comparative Studies (PICS) offers an Honors Plan for International Studies majors with an overall GPA of 3.4 and with a grade of B+ or better in INTLSTD 101. Students elect INTLSTD 498 in the fall and INTLSTD 499 in the winter (the senior Honors proseminars) during their senior year and write a major research paper under the direction of a faculty advisor and the instructor of INTLSTD 498-499.
For students interested in the PICS Honors Plan, Dr. Anthony Marcum will host an informational meeting on Wednesday, January 25, 5-6 PM, Room 2609 International Institute (SSWB).
This meeting is for any rising senior interested in graduating with Honors (and thus writing an Honors thesis) in Winter 2018.
For more information, please visit the PICS Honors Plan webpage.