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Summer in Korea Scholarship

All travel must follow current guidelines, which are detailed in the International Institute Travel Policy.

Please note:

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, this program is conditional upon pandemic-related restrictions. All students are required to register for this study abroad through CGIS by February 1.

The Summer in Korea Scholarship provides annual awards to support travel to Korea to attend Yonsei International Summer School, on Yonsei University's main Shinchon campus in Seoul, Korea. For program dates and more information about the program, please go to the YISS website. Scholarship recipients must take at least one language course in addition to subject courses.

The scholarship will cover the application fee, full tuition, dormitory charges, and program fees for YISS. In addition, it will reimburse recipients' airfare up to $2,500.


Applicants must be a current University of Michigan undergraduate student. Preference will be given to students in Korean studies or a Korea-related discipline and who plan to write their senior thesis on Korea.

Application Due Date

February 1.

Required Application Materials

Applicants will need to fill out a form and provide a statement of purpose, resume, the contact information for a letter of recommendation and U-M transcripts.  Details for submission requirements for each item are available on the online application portal (see "To Apply" below)

To Apply
  1. Go to the International Institute Fellowships & Grants Portal.
  2. Use the Sign In or Register button on the top right and login with your uniqname and Kerberos password.
  3. To start and application, use the blue View Awards button to see the list of award applications available on this portal, and look for the NCKS Summer in Korea Scholarship.
  4. Use the Apply Now button to start an application.
    Applications do not need to be completed in a single sitting. When you return to the portal, you will see links to all of your current applications on your portal Home page.