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Korean War in Fiction and Film

Course Title: Korean War in Fiction and Film

Course Number: Asian 374 (U-M); EAS 300 (UW), KOR 01:574:390 (RU)

Times: M/W 1:30-3pm (CT), 2:30-4pm (ET)

Instructor: Youngju Ryu /[email protected]

Hosting University: University of Michigan

Description: The Korean War (1950-1953) shaped East Asia as we know it today. The war also altered the direction of American foreign policy and established an enduring tone of anti-communism in American popular culture. But for all its importance, the Korean War is commonly known as "The Forgotten War." This course is an exercise in unforgetting the forgotten war. Analyzing representations of the Korean War in fiction and film, we will examine the nature and impact of this war, and ask why it still remains the subject of much mystification more than sixty-five years after the ceasefire.

Participating Universities: University Wisconsin, Rutgers University

Academic Calendar: Unless specified by the course instructor, the course will follow the host campus’ academic calendar.