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Nam Center for Korean Studies
Alumni and Friends
Alumni Associations
Nam Center Associates Program
News and Events
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Register Now | 2016 U-M East Asian Immersion Teacher Workshop
Teaching a 5,000 year Korean performance tradition across borders
Congratulations to our Postdoc!
Nam Center grad student named Outstanding GSI!
Nam Center faculty associate quoted in The Korea Times
The Ambassasdor of the Republic of Korea to the US, Ho-Young Ahn, gives the 5th Sang-Yong Nam Memorial Lecture
대한 민국 무력 정치사 (Taehan Min'guk muryŏk chŏngch'isa)
Nojin Kwak receives Harold R. Johnson Diversity Service Award
Call for Papers | Perspectives on Contemporary Korea 2016 Conference
2016-2017 Nam Center Post-Doc Fellowship in Korean Studies
Nojin Kwak appointed chair of the Department of Communication Studies
The Nam Center welcomes two new post-doctoral fellows
Program for 2016 Perspectives on Contemporary Korea Conference Available Online
Call for Papers | 2017 Digital Asia: Recent Research and Practice, ICA Preconference
Call for Papers | 2017 International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
NEW TIME for Korean Cinema NOW series! | Films start at 1:00 PM on Saturdays.
Dean Martin interviewed by the Korea Times
Nam Center faculty Youngju Ryu's book recognized by "Foreign Affairs"
Call for Applications | Korean Studies Pedagogy Workshop for Junior Faculty
Nam Center post-doc research featured in LSA Today
Announcing a new website for the U-M Group in Buddhist Studies
Register Now | 2017 U-M East Asian Immersion Teacher Workshop
Nam Center affiliated graduate student inducted into the Bouchet Graduate Honor Society
Nam Center affiliated graduate student receives a Korea Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
Nam Center faculty Jaeeun Kim's book recognized by the American Sociological Association
Call for Applications | 2017 Perspectives on Contemporary Korea Conference Travel Grants
Nam Center PostDoc Fellow, Jiun Bang, named as one of the Next Generation in political science research on Korea and East Asia
Nam Family featured in StoryCorps interview
Nam Center Faculty Youngju Ryu and Jaeeun Kim take Association for Asian Studies 2018 book prizes for Korea
Nam Center affiliated alumnus now assistant professor in political science
Nam Center Postdoctoral Fellowship in Korean Studies Applications Due April 8
Announcing the 2018 Sang-Yong Nam Award Winners
2017 Summer in Michigan Program Hiring Cultural Liaisons
2018 Summer in Michigan Program Hiring Cultural Liaisons
Nam Center faculty member Youngju Ryu named Institute for the Humanities Faculty Fellow for 2018-19
Nam Center Postdoctoral Fellow Jiun Bang discusses the Korean summit with PBS
Nam Center Faculty E. Han Kim discusses the recent developments between North and South Korea on WJR (Detroit)
Religion, Politics and Happiness in Korea Conference
Nam Center's 8th annual celebration of Chuseok
2019 Digital Asia International Communication Association (ICA) Preconference CFP Released
Nam Center Graduate Fellows Program
11/27/2018 is #GivingBlueDay!
Nam Center Faculty, Joan Kee, featured in "WolganMisul," one of Korea's largest art magazines
New Korea-related collection at the Asia Library
Nam Center Faculty David Chung featured in Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review
Congratulations to Joan Kee and Jaeeun Kim!
Nam Center Cosponsors UMMA Exhibit | Copies and Invention in East Asia
Nam Center Research Fellows awarded at Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange Conference with USC
2020 Sang Yong Nam Award Winner
Youngju Ryu on NPR's "Marketplace"
Dir. Nojin Kwak leaves a lasting legacy at the Nam Center
How to participate in Korean Cinema NOW 2021
2021 Yenching Academy Scholar
LTI Call for Applications to the 2021 Korean Literature Review Contest
Youngju Ryu appointed director of the Nam Center for Korean Studies
Nam Center receives Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) grant
11th Perspectives on Contemporary Korea Conference: Reclaiming the City
10th Annual Undergraduate Exchange Conference
“No one burned brighter as a symbol, an icon of democracy in the 1970s and ’80s. No writer was as great, and that part of it I think is something that we need to remember."
9th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
Scholar Spotlight: Thomas Michael Ryan
“K-ArtSong” - A Korean Art Song Recital
Congratulations, Se-Mi Oh promoted to associate professor of Asian languages and cultures, with tenure!
Y. David Chung Honored with Rackham Master’s Mentoring Award
Congratulations, NCKS director Youngju Ryu promoted to professor of Asian languages and cultures!
Jaeeun Kim and Ji Yeon (Jean) Hong Named Korea Foundation Professors
Archived News
January 2016
Apply for Sang-Yong Nam Award by February 15
Apply for Summer in Korea by February 15
New book by Youngju Ryu: Writers of the Winter Republic: Literature and Resistance in Park Chung Hee's Korea
Interview with Professor Jaeeun Kim on the Nam Center blog
December 2015
Joan Kee, associate professor of history of art, and her work were cited in an article about Korean monochrome painting, or tansaekhwa. The Nation
Check out the new Nam Center blog!
November 2015
Call for Papers: 2016 New Media and Citizenship in Asia (ICA) Preconference
Call for Papers: 4th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
October 2015
Annual Chuseok Party covered in the Michigan Weekly!<br>(Korean language article)
August 2015
REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED TO AUG 21 for the 2015 Nam Center Professional Development Workshop for Educators
Nam Center hosts students from Korea in the Summer in Michigan Program in English Language
June 2015
Congratulations to Summer in Korea Scholarship Recipients
May 2015
KAFE Travel Grant Recipient Announced
Call for Papers! Digital Korea: History, Use, and Effects of New Communication Technologies
Nam Center Faculty member David Chung's work acquired for the Whitney's permanent collection
April 2015
Nico Howson explains foreign corporate structure in light of proposed Chinese law
New Publication: Hallyu 2.0: The Korean Wave in the Age of Social Media
Applications for 2015 travel grant for Michigan educators to attend the Korea Academy for Educators seminar in Los Angeles, CA due April 26, 2015 6pm (ET).
February 2015
Nam Center director Nojin Kwak on surging Korean language course enrollments: Inside Higher Ed
PhD Candidate Nora Hauk featured in LSA today
January 2015
Applications for Summer in Korea and Sang-Yong Nam Awards Due February 15
Korea from A Single Shard Grant Recipients Announced
Myung-Whun Chung coming to Ann Arbor with the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra
November 2014
Jonson Porteux (Ph.D. Political Science 2013) featured in Joongang Ilbo (article in Korean only)
October 2014
A2KIFF2014 lineup announced!
September 2014
Nam Center K-12 programs featured in <i>Detroit Teacher</i>
July 2014
Registration open for Korea teacher workshop
May 2014
Congratulations to Joan Kee and Youngju Ryu!
K-12 Educators: Call for 2014 KAFE Summer Seminar Travel Grant Applications!
April 2014
Hiroaki Matsusaka awarded KF Korean Language Training Fellowship
Congratulations to BoRin Kim on her new faculty position!
Nam Center Graduate student Joo Young Lee Recognized!
March 2014
The work of David Chung featured in multiple events in Houston TX | April 2014
Congratulations to the 2014 Sang-Yong Nam Award Winners
Congratulations to the 2014 Summer in Korea Scholarship Recipients
CeDEM Asia 2014 Call for Papers Now Open!
Korean Studies and the New Digital Classroom
February 2014
Nam Center activities for Winter 2014 featured in The Michigan Korean Weekly newspaper. Follow the link to read the full article (in Korean).
January 2014
Korea Foundation Newsletter Features e-School
<i>Korean Cinema NOW</i> screening schedule available
Nam Center Winter 2014 Colloquium Lineup posted
Call for Papers--2014 International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
December 2013
2012-2013 Newsletter Viewable Online!
November 2013
Deadline Extended to 1/1/14--ICA Preconference Call for Papers
October 2013
Nam Center Administrator Connects with Korean Roots at Home
February 2013
Sang-Yong Nam Memorial Lecture and Award Presentation
Special Lecture by Dong-Choon Kim
November 2012
Sang-Yong Nam Award
October 2012
Study Abroad in Seoul 2013 Information Session
ICA 2013 Preconference Call for Papers
September 2012
The Great Chuseok Party
August 2012
Korean Studies Faculty Search
Nam Center Undergraduate Fellows Program
April 2012
Hallyu 2.0 Conference In Review
March 2012
Hallyu 2.0 : The Korean Wave in the Age of Social Media
February 2012
U-M Korea Quiz Bowl
January 2012
KAFE Travel Grant
November 2011
$ 2.9 Million Major Gifts and Grants
September 2011
Photos from the 2011 Great Chuseok Party!
May 2011
2011-2012 Korea Foundation Graduate Fellowships Recipients
The 2011 International Institute Photo Contest is now accepting submissions
NCKS would like to congratulate 2011 SeAH-Haiam Arts and Sciences Scholarship recipients
Article and photos for the Republic of Korea Ambassador to the US, Ho-Young Ahn's talk at the Sang-Yong Nam Memorial Lecture
Colloquium Series
Conferences & Symposia
Perspectives on Contemporary Korea
Digital Korea: History, Use, and Effects of New Communication Technologies
Program: Digital Korea
Digital Korea: Location
Cultures of Yushin: The 1970s in South Korea
Program: Cultures of Yushin: The 1970s in South Korea
Han Sang Kim
Eunhee Park
Se-Mi Oh
Jina Kim
Inkyu Kang
Irhe Sohn
Hwisang Cho
Seung-Hee Jeon
Sunyoung Park
Serk-Bae Suh
(Re)-Discovering Sport
Transgression as a Secular Value
Program for Transgression as a secular value
Transgression: Nancy Abelmann
Transgression: Christopher P. Hanscom
Cyborgs and Castaways: "Thoughtful Transgressions" Toward an Ecumenopolitics
Unfinished Business: Transgression as a Secular Value?
Perception of Gender Role and Sexuality in South Korean Advertisements: Transgression or Confucian Dynamism?
Flesh in the Closet: The Secret Wife Tradition among Eminent Monks of Korean Buddhism
Virtuous Slaves: Gendered Imaginations of Loyalty in Late Chosŏn Korea
Tradition and Transgression in the Korean Legal System
Portrait of an Epileptic as a Murderess: Locating Transgression in the Case of a Modern Cannibal
Stories of Cruel Youth: the South Korean Anti-Teen Film
"Let Us Boil Our Parents' Blood and Bones!"
Allures of Transgression: Traditions and Salsa Dance in South Korea
Transgressive Academic All-Stars and Conventional Teen Idols
Political Conversion as an Act of Transgression
The Trickster as Transgressor in Traditional Korean Society
Secular Transgression of Subversion as Divine Prescription: No Yông’s Painted Lacquer Revisitied
Transgression as a Secular Value: Participants
Perspectives on Contemporary Korea 2016 | Korean Families in Economic and Demographic Transitions: Parenting, Children's Education, and Social Mobility
Program: Korean Families
Perspectives on Contemporary Korea Conference 2017
Program | Perspectives on Contemporary Korea Conference 2017
Jennifer Chun
Zhiyuan Cui
Ju Hui Judy Han
JUNG Ku-Hyun
Kang Il-won
Peter Kang
E. Han Kim
Kyung Hyun Kim
Myoungjoon Kim
Suk-Chae Lee
Hyunjoon Park
Meredith Woo
Chulhwan Joo
Seong Min Yoo
Flowsion Shekar
Perspectives on Contemporary Korea 2018
Call for Papers | Perspectives on Contemporary Korea 2018
Perspectives on Contemporary Korea 2018 | Conference Program
Buddhist Sustainable Happiness
Secular Happiness and Ultimate Happiness in the Story of the Monk Josin’s Dream of the "Samguk Yusa"
Buddhism, Meditation, and the Happiness Crisis in South Korea: In Pursuit of Emptiness or Happiness?
Divination and Its Potential Futures: Sensation, Scripts, and the Virtual in South Korean Eight-Character Fortune Telling
"Happiness Is Here and Now": Repackaging Buddhism for an Ailing Nation
Here and Now: The Art and Politics of Happiness of South Korean Millennials
The Ssial as a Paradigmatic Reconciliation on Happiness
Gender, Generation and Church Politics: Café Religiosity as an Answer to Disillusionment with Megachurches in South Korea
Perspectives on Contemporary Korea 2019
Schedule | Perspectives on Contemporary Korea 2019
Perspectives on Contemporary Korea 2020-21
Reclaiming the City
Perspectives on Contemporary Korea Conference 2022
Perspectives on Contemporary Korea Conference 2023 | The Creative and Transformative Spirit of Korean Music
Perspectives on Contemporary Korea 2024 | The Politics of Migration, Diaspora, and Race in Transnational Korea
4th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
2013 NEKST
2014 NEKST
2015 NEKST
4th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST) Program
4th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST) Location
NEKST 2016 Program
2016 New Media and Citizenship in Asia (ICA) Preconference
Presenters | 2016 New Media and Citizenship in Asia (ICA) Preconference
2016 New Media and Citizenship in Asia (ICA) Presenters
2nd International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
NEKST 2014 Program
Modernity over the Screen: A Study on “A Short Story from Movies” of Chosun Ilbo
A Study on 1960s and 1990s Japanese Pop Culture Discourses: Koreans’ Long...
Forgetting Daechuri: An Analysis of Mainstream Media Coverage on the Violent Eviction of Daechuri and Activism during the Expansion of USFK Camp Humphreys
First Love and Remasculinization
Stone Gorge Lee: Medicine, Confucianism, and Political Dissent in Colonial Period Korea
A Half Success: The First Olympics for Colonial Korea
A Study on Yi Gwang-su’s Autobiographical Novel of the Period of Liberation
Shortsighted North Korean Defectors Resettlement Policy in South Korea: Policy Analysis and Alternatives
China’s Triple-Korea Problem: Transborder Peoples and Transborder Sentiments
Building Trust on the Korean Peninsula: An Assessment of ‘Trustpolitik’ for Inter-Korean Relations and Northeast Asia
The Rise of Late Study Abroad: South Korean Educational Migrants in Los Angeles
The Testimony of the Printing Form: The Translation of Tyeonroryukjeong (1895) and the Traditions of Korean Language in the late 19th Century
“Hanshi (Literary Chinese Poetry) Modernism” and the Formative Stages of Modern Poetry in 1920’s Korea: Focusing on Translation of Hanshi and the Creation of “Noble Poem” – Chosun’s first Modern Poet Kim Uk
Translating Western Modernity in Lee Shanhyŏp’s Adaptive Translation of Mary Braddon’s Run to Earth
Needs for Identity: Appropriation of Existentialism in Critical Writings in the Liberation Period, 1945-1950
Embedded agenda: Writing about Music in an Eighteenth-century Korean Encyclopedia
The Probability of Time: A Preliminary Research on The Influence of Jinguqiguan今古奇觀 on Narrative Time Sense of Joseon Readers
Let Them Eat Royal Court Cuisine!: Re-imagining the Food of the Joseon Dynasty as the Prototype of Korean Cuisine
Modernity over the Screen: A Study on “A Short Story from Movies” of Chosun Ilbo
International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
Program: Translating Value and the Value of Translation
Translation and the Colonial Desire for Transparency
3rd International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
NEKST 2015 Program
(Re)-Discovering Sport in Korea: Guts, Glory, and Geurimja
(Re)-Discovering Sport - Program
A Philosophical Problem of the Korean Church’s Missiological Use of Sports
A Study on the Advanced Strategies through the Sustainability of Korean Sport Diplomacy
Becoming a Member of the Japanese National Football Team as a Korean: The 1936 Berlin Olympic Trials and Colonial Korea
Slowly but Surely: The Way of Civic Movement for Justice in Sport
In Anticipation of Korean Curt Flood: Comparative Analysis of Antitrust and Labor Law Implications on Korean Professional Baseball League
Issues in League Design and Growth: What to Do When One City Dominates the Sports Scene
Substitution between Soccer and Baseball in South Korea
Changes in Habitual Attending in Korean Baseball Games
Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies for Korean Professional Sport Leagues
I Am Happy to Support: Gauging Role of Emotion in an Enterprise's Sponsoring Charitable Sport Events
The Impact of Mega-Sporting Events on Host Country Image and Brand Perception: A Case of 2011 Daegu IAAF Championships
Opportunities and Challenges of Licensing Business in 2014 Incheon Asian Games
Sport Korea Beyond the Horizon
Soccer, Red Shirts, and Candle Lights: The Two Faces of South Korea’s Sports Nationalism
Value-Based Taekwondo: Future Directions for Business and Education
Diplomacy in Play: The Role of Sport in Early Korea-Israel Relations
Labor Migration to Korean Professional Baseball League and Its Implication
Unsung Players on the Frontline: An Examination of Sport Journalists in the Korean Press
Framing and Priming Effect of Commentary on Audiences Perception: The Moderating Role of Sport Nationalism
Influence of Spectator Service Satisfaction and Team Identification on Fans’ Re-Spectating Intention: Focusing on the Korean Basketball League
Opting for the LPGA, JLPGA, or KLPGA: Investigating Korean Professional Golfers' Motivations and Attitudes Regarding Tour Options
Hallyu 2.0: The Korean Wave in the Age of Social Media
Hallyu 2.0 Program
Hallyu 2.0: Dal Yong Jin
Hallyu 2.0: Eun-Young Jung
Hallyu 2.0: Roald Maliangkay
Hallyu 2.0: Seung-Ah Lee
Hallyu 2.0: Maria Pilar Alvarez
Hallyu 2.0: Youjeong Oh
Hallyu 2.0: Sangjoon Lee
Hallyu 2.0: Irina Lyan
Hallyu 2.0: Youngju Ryu
Hallyu 2.0: Jung-bong Choi
Hallyu 2.0: Hye Seung Chung
Hallyu 2.0: Lu Chen
Hallyu 2.0 Participants
María del Pilar Álvarez
Lu Chen
Jung-Bong Choi
Hye Seung Chung
Dal Yong Jin
Sangjoon Lee
Seung-Ah Lee
Irina Lyan
Roald Maliangkay
Yujeong Oh
Youngju Ryu
Daniel Herbert
Nick Kaldis
Aswin Punathambekar
Yeidy M. Rivero
Nojin Kwak
Abe Markus Nornes
2015 ICA Preconference
Media and Citizenship in Asia: Program
International Communication Association (ICA) Preconference 2014
ICA 2013
ICA 2013 Conference Program
ICA 2012
ICA 2012 Program
ICA 2012: Cheryll Ruth R. Soriano
ICA 2012: Mihye Seo, Shaojing Sun, Jinhee Kim
ICA 2012: Yunjuan Luo
ICA 2012: Patrick Sharbaugh
ICA 2012: Fei Shen
ICA 2012: Weiyu Zhang, Joanne Lim Bee Yin
ICA 2012: Desideria Murti
ICA 2012: Natalie Pang, Debbie Goh
ICA 2012: Jun Liu
ICA 2012: Rajiv G. Aricat
ICA 2012: Tetsuro Kobayashi, Jeffrey Boase, Takahisa Suzuki
ICA 2012: Kai Khium Liew, Natalie Pang, Brenda Chan
ICA 2012: Sujin Choi, Han Woo Park
ICA 2012: Nojin Kwak, Scott Campbell, Dam Hee Kim
Conference Participants
Call for Papers 2015 ICA Preconference
Program: Media and Citizenship in Asia
(Re)-Discovering Sport in Korea: Guts, Glory, and Geurimja
Rediscovering Sport Program
Rediscovering Sport Photos
Call for Papers 2015 ICA Preconference
International Communication Association (ICA) Preconference 2014
Program: ICA New Media Preconference 2014
The Fourth NAOKOL
The Third NAOKOL
Modernities in Korean Art - A Workshop
2016 Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange Conference (hosted by U-M)
2015 Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange Conference (hosted by USC)
2014 Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange Conference (hosted by U-M)
2013 Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange Conference (hosted by USC)
2017 Digital Asia: Recent Research and Practice, ICA Preconference
2017 NEKST
2017 NEKST Abstracts
NEKST 2017 Program
Korean Studies Pedagogy Workshop for Junior Faculty
Korean Communication Research and Practice: Looking Back, Looking Forward
2018 Digital Asia: Social Change, Engagement, and Voices
6th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars
2018 NEKST | Call for Papers
NEKST 2018 Program
2019 Digital Asia: Social Change, Engagement, and Communication Beyond Boundaries
2017 Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange Conference (hosted by USC)
2018 Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange Conference (hosted by U-M)
7th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars
2019 NEKST | Call for Papers
2019 NEKST Conference Program
2018 Korean Studies Manuscript Workshop for Junior Faculty
2020 International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (Cancelled)
2019 Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange Conference (hosted by USC)
2020 Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange Conference (hosted by U-M)
8th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars: Encountering Difference
2020 Korean Studies Manuscript Workshop for Junior Faculty
9th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
2021 Annual Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange (hosted by USC)
2022 Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange Conference (hosted by U-M)
2019 Korean Studies Manuscript Workshop for Junior Faculty
2021 Korean Studies Manuscript Workshop for Junior Faculty
2022 Korean Studies Manuscript Workshop for Junior Faculty
10th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
11th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
Concerned Asian Scholars, 55 Years Later: A Symposium
2023 Korean Studies Manuscript Workshop for Junior Faculty
2024 Korean Studies Manuscript Workshop for Junior Faculty
12th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
Sang-Yong Nam Memorial Lecture
Film Events
Signature Artist Residency
Videos of Past Events
Archived Events | 2007-15
May 2016
4th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
April 2016
Nam Center Colloquium Series | Words of Times, Writings of Desire: Our Study on Korean Cultural History and Literature through Journals
Korean Cinema NOW | Ode to My Father
Korean Cinema NOW | Cart
March 2016
Nam Center Colloquium Series | The Spirit Moves West: Korean Missionaries in America
Korean Cinema NOW | My Love, Don't Cross That River
Hanji: The Art of Korean Papermaking | Hanji Art for All Ages
Hanji: The Art of Korean Papermaking | Hanji Art for All Ages
Hanji: The Art of Korean Papermaking | The History and Creative Applications of Hanji
Hanji: The Art of Korean Papermaking | From East Asia to the Great Lakes: Korean Paper at Home and Abroad
Korean Cinema NOW | Thread of Lies
Nam Center Colloquium Series: Planning Assessment in a Proficiency Oriented Foreign Language Program: A Backward Design
February 2016
Nam Center Colloquium Series | Idols of Development: The Performance of Asian Modernity via Queer Thai K-Pop Fandom
Modernities in Korean Art - A Workshop
Modernities in Korean Art - A Workshop
Nam Center Colloquium Series | Yalta Conference and the Division of the Korean Peninsula
Korean Cinema NOW | Tazza: The Hidden Card
January 2016
Korean Cinema NOW | How to Steal a Dog
Nam Center Colloquium Series | Contested Diffusion of Human Rights: Evidence from the South Korean Print Media, 1990-2010
Korean Cinema NOW | Gangnam Blues
Korean Cinema NOW | Revivre
December 2015
Nam Center Colloquium Series | Making a New Metropolis in Seoul : ‘The Age of 86·88’ as a Catalyst of Gangnaminization
November 2015
Nam Center Presents | Comrade Kim Goes Flying
Digital Korea | History, Use, and Effects of New Communication Technologies
Digital Korea | History, Use, and Effects of New Communication Technologies
October 2015
Nam Center Colloquium Series | New developments in 'Kongron politics' during the late Choson -18th and 19th Centuries: 'Local Councils' and 'People's Assemblies'
A2KIFF, The Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival: Pieta (2012)
A2KIFF, The Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival: Bad Guy (2002)
A2KIFF, The Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter…and Spring (2003)
A2KIFF, The Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival: Rough Cut (2008)
A2KIFF, The Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival: Time (2006)
A2KIFF, The Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival: Moebius (2013)
Nam Center Colloquium Series | Progeny of Fallen Royals: Kaesong Wang in Choson Korea
September 2015
Nam Center for Korean Studies | Chuseok Dae Party
Nam Center Colloquium Series | Korean Wave in Latin America: K-pop Reception and Participatory Fan Culture
August 2015
Professional Development Workshop | Lives of Migration: Korea in Diaspora
May 2015
3rd International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
3rd International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
April 2015
The Kwangju Massacre after Thirty-Five Years: The Politics and Poetics of Witnessing: A Conversation with South Korean Writers LIM Chul-Woo and HAN Kang
Korean Cinema NOW: Whistle Blower
CANCELLED Nam Center for Korean Studies Colloquium Series: Polling, Public Opinion, and Political Responsiveness in Korea and Beyond
March 2015
Sang-Yong Nam Memorial Lecture
Information Session: Nam Center for Korean Studies Undergraduate Fellows Program
Korean Cinema NOW: The Admiral: Roaring Currents
Korean Cinema NOW: My Brilliant Life
CANCELLED<br>Nam Center for Korean Studies Colloquium Series: Planning Assessment in a Proficiency Oriented Foreign Language Program: A Backward Design
Nam Center for Korean Studies Colloquium Series: Planning Assessment in a Proficiency Oriented Foreign Language Program
February 2015
Nam Center for Korean Studies Colloquium Series: Disappearance of Prophetic Voice from the Korean Church and Its Disservice to Korea
Korean Cinema NOW: Kundo: Age of the Rampant
Korean Cinema NOW: The Divine Move
Music of Strings and Wind from Korea: East Meets East: A Concert of Traditional East Asian Music
Music of Strings and Wind from Korea: Virginia Howard Lecture Series - Up Close: An Introduction to Korean Classical Music
Music of Strings and Wind from Korea Concert
Korean "Four Major River National Restoration" Project: Preliminary Outcomes and Ecological Changes
January 2015
Korean Cinema NOW: Boomerang Family
Nam Center for Korean Studies Colloquium Series: Fellowship Forum
Korean Cinema NOW: Hope
Korean Cinema NOW: A Hard Day
Nam Center for Korean Studies Colloquium Series: North Korea's Juche Myth, and the West's Juche Fallacy
Korean Cinema NOW: Miss Granny
December 2014
Nam Center for Korean Studies Colloquium Series: Diasporic Koreans and the Military, 1930-1960
November 2014
Nam Center for Korean Studies Colloquium Series: Park Su-Geun, the Bando Gallery, and Selling Korean Contemporary Art at Home and Abroad, 1950s-1970s
Conference on "Cultures of <i>Yushin</i>"
October 2014
2014 Worldwide Lecture Tour: <i>2014 Creating a World Full of Hope</i>
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim Korean Lecture
A2KIFF, The Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival: My Place
A2KIFF, The Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival: Non-Fiction Diary
A2KIFF, The Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival: 10 Minutes
A2KIFF, The Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival: Special Surpise Student Screening
A2KIFF, The Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival: One for All, All for One
Nam Center for Korean Studies Colloquium Series: The Legacy of Disadvantaged Origins: Blocked Social Mobility of Descendants of Nobis in Late Joseon (Korea)
September 2014
Maternal Guardians: Intimate Knowledge and Affective Boundary-Making Among South Korean Volunteers for Migrant Women
Nam Center for Korean Studies Colloquium Series: Maternal Guardians: Intimate Knowledge and Affective Boundary-Making among South Korean Volunteers for Migrant Women
Chuseok Dae Party
August 2014
Historic Korea TODAY
May 2014
2nd International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST)
April 2014
Korean Cinema Now SURPRISE SCREENING: The Attorney
Nam Center Undergraduate Fellows Lecture: K-Pop: Where it Came From, Where it is Going, and Why it Matters
Nam Center Colloquium Series: The Remains of Colonial History
Korean Cinema Now: The Terror LIVE
Korean Classical Composers<br>EVENT CANCELLED
Nam Center Colloquium Series: The Vision of Korean Choral Music
March 2014
University Choir and Michigan Youth Chamber Singers Concert
Nam Center Colloquium Series: Korean-Japanese Marriages in Colonial Korea
Korean Cinema Now: A Werewolf Boy
Master Recital: Mi-Eun Kim, piano
Sang-Yong Nam Memorial Lecture: Korean Economy at a Crossroads: Aging, China & North Korea
Korean Cinema Now: How To Use Guys with Secret Tips
February 2014
Korean Cinema Now: The Thieves
U-M Korea Quiz Bowl 2014
Korean Cinema Now: New World
Minhwa at Michigan: Hands-On Demonstration and Curator Talk
Nam Center Colloquium Series: The Janus of Tiger: Korean Decorative Painting, Magpie and Tiger
Minhwa at Michigan Lecture: The Janus of Tiger: Korean Decorative Painting, Magpie and Tiger
Minhwa at East Quad: A Korean Folk Art Experience for U-M Students
Minhwa at Michigan: Korean Folk Art Exhibition
January 2014
Korean Cinema Now: All About My Wife
Nam Center Colloquium Series: Performance Presentation in Korean Poetry: "The Sijo"
Korean Cinema Now: The Berlin File
Korean Cinema Now: Cold Eyes
December 2013
Nam Center Colloquium Series: "Reading Volcano Island: Reflections on Jeju 4.3 on its Sixty-Fifth Year"
November 2013
Nam Center Colloquium Series: "Subjective Ecologies in the Films of Kim Ki-young and Kim Ki-Duk"
October 2013
Nam Center Colloquium Series: "Everlasting Fraternal Friendship: North Korea and the End of Communism"
Nam Center Colloquium Series: "Korean (Language) Studies in the U.S. Higher Education: Evolution and Prospect"
(Re)-Discovering Sport in Korea: Guts, Glory, and Geurimja
Piano Chamber Masterclass, Aviram Reichert
Guest Recital and Masterclass, Aviram Reichert, Piano
A2KIFF 2013: Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival<br>Planet of Snail (2012)
A2KIFF 2013: Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival<br>Dooman River (2009)
A2KIFF 2013: Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival<br>Breathless (2009)
A2KIFF 2013: Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival<br>Bleak Night (2011)
A2KIFF 2013: Ann Arbor Independent Korean Film Festival: Dear Pyongyang (2005) Special Student Screening & Lecture
A2KIFF 2013: Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival<br>Jiseul (2013)
September 2013
Nam Center Colloquium Series: Fellowship Forum
Chuseok Dae Party!
August 2013
TEACHER WORKSHOP: Koreans, Who Are They? Reflections on Identity in a Globalized Korea
April 2013
Information Session: Nam Center Undergraduate Fellowships
Women's Leadership to End the Korean War
Making Korean Films: Production Studies and Changing Production Cultures
March 2013
Old Boy
Taekwondo as a global physical culture: Past, present, and future
Elder Sang-Yong Nam Memorial Lecture
In Another Country
Journalistic Professionalism Revisited: A case study of citizen journalists at OhmyNews in South Korea
Journalistic Professionalism Revisited: A Case Study of Citizen Journalists at OhmyNews in South Korea
February 2013
CANCELLED: Korean (Language) Studies in the U.S Higher Education: Evolution and Prospect.
Reflections on Korean Politics from Past to Present
Drawing Morality: the Visual Illustration and its Function in the Samgang Haengsil-to [Illustrated Guide to the Three Relations]
January 2013
Chang Hyokchu and the Twentieth Century
Late Autumn
Nameless Gangster
December 2012
"A woman with a hot body but a baby face" and "a chic, smooth talker": Blending lexicon and shifting images on Korean TV.
November 2012
The Royal Hunt in Korea: Koryo-Mongol Interactions in the Late Thirteenth Century
October 2012
The Others within “us”: Multiculturalism and Ethnic Minorities in South Korean Cinema
Professional Sports in Korea and Comparison to the US Sports
Ann Arbor Korean Independent Film Festival
September 2012
The Great Chuseok Party
Chuseok Dae Party!
Avant-Garde Routes for the Korean Diaspora
August 2012
Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries Exhibition
April 2012
Sappho in Red: Proletarian Literature, Gender and Colonial Korea
Hallyu 2.0: THe Korean Wave in the Age of Social Media
In re Korea: Domain Name Disputes Under the UDRP.
March 2012
A Clean Voice for an Advanced Nation: Singing in South Korean Christianity
Korean Tea Bowls in the World of Japanese Wabicha in Premodern Times
East Asia Immersion Workshop
February 2012
China's Rise and the Future of the Korean Peninsula
Reading Barbarians Hunting Screens: How the Manchus Were Viewed and Visualized in Late Choson Korea
No Regret (2006) 114 min.
January 2012
My Dear Enemy (2008) 123 min.
Feeling for History: Non-Linear Time Structures in Contemporary Korean Cinema
December 2011
The Chaser (2008) 125 min.
November 2011
2011 Educator Film Workshop: The Way Home
Korean as a World Language
Youngja's Heydays (1975) 107 min.
October 2011
Contemporary Korean Photography: How Artists use a photographic sensibility to produce new knowledge?
Apocalypse, Amnesia--and Kim Jong Il: Why the Korean War is 'Forgotten'
Secret Reunion (2010) 116 min.
September 2011
Unnatural Selection: The Causes and Consequences of Asia’s Sex Ratio Imbalance
The Korean War in Color: The Nisei and The Japanese in the US Media, 1950 - 60
The Great Chuseok Party
July 2011
East Asian Celebration at Top of the Park
April 2011
Contemporary Korean Ceramics Exhibition
April 2008
CKS Colloquium Series 2007-08/Keun Sik Jung, Professor, Seoul National University
February 2008
CKS Colloquium Series 2007-08/Nam-lin Hur, Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia
CKS Colloquium Series 2007-08/Janice Kim, Assistant Professor, York University
January 2008
A Petal / CKS Film Series 07-08
September 2007
A Flower in Hell / Korean Film Series 07-08
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Language and Society of the Two Koreas - Fall 2015
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Gender and Class in Contemporary South Korea
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Korean History, 1945 to Present
Language and Society of the Two Koreas
Making Places in Seoul: History of Urbanism and Development
Introduction to Korean History
Cold War Cultures in Korea
Language and Culture in Everyday Life: Korean Discourse as a Window Into Culture, Perception, Cognition, Identity, and Taste
Two Koreas: Political Economy of Regional Rivalry
Wealth and Poverty in Korea
The Koreas: Korean War to the 21st Century
Traditional Korean Poetry: Sijo
Language and Society of the Two Koreas
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Introduction to Korean Civilization
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Controversies in Contemporary Korea
Language and Culture in Everyday Life
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Historiography of Modern Korea
Film Culture in Korea, Fall 2018
Global Korean Diaspora, Fall 2018
History of Modern Korea, Fall 2018
Korean Language in Culture & Society, Fall 2018
Language & Society of the Two Koreas, Fall 2018
Controversies in Contemporary Korea, Spring 2019
Cold War Culture in Korea, Spring 2019
The Koreas: Korean War to the 21st Century, Spring 2019
Language & Society of the Two Koreas, Spring 2019
Making Places in Seoul, Spring 2019
The Koreas: Korean War to the 21st Century | Fall 2019
Korean Language in Culture & Society | Fall 2019
Global Korean Diasporas | Fall 2019
Film Culture in Korea | Fall 2019
Cold War Culture in Korea, Spring 2020
Language & Society of the Two Koreas, Spring 2020
Making Places in Seoul, Spring 2020
Traditional Korean Poetry: Sijo, Spring 2020
South Korean Education: Examination Hell or Model for the World, Spring 2020
Understanding Korea, Korean Society, and The Korean Language From The Points of View of Public Discourse, Ideology, and Stance, Spring 2020
Imagining Disaster: Korea and the Apocalyptic Modern, Spring/Winter 2021
Making Places in Seoul: History of Urbanism & Development, Spring/Winter 2021
Korea and the United States 1882-Present, Spring/Winter 2021
Topics in Korean Culture: Current Affairs, Spring/Winter 2021
Understanding Korea, Korean Society, and the Korean Language, Spring/Winter 2021
Introduction to Korean Civilization, Fall 2020
Dating, Sex, and Marriage in Korea
The Koreas: Korean War to the 21st Century
Kingdoms, Queendoms, and Collectives
Film Culture in Korea, Fall 2020
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