Three || Eight: Korean Literature and the Division System
Nov 22-23, 2019 | University of Michigan
Weiser Hall, 10th Floor (500 Church St. Ann Arbor, MI)
Friday November 22
9:00am Opening Remarks
Nojin Kwak (Director, Nam Center for Korean Studies and Conference Co-organizer)
Yoon Sun Yang (President, Korean Literature Association)
Sa-in Kim, (President, Literature Translation Institute of Korea)
9:30-12:00am Panel I: The Division System and South Korean Literature
Jae Won Edward Chung (Rutgers University)
Modernism Divided: South Korean Poetry From Sinsiron to DIAL, 1949-1959
Bruce Fulton (University of British Columbia)
Trauma in Korean Division Literature
We Jung Yi (Vanderbilt University)
An Ethics of Remembering: Pak Wansŏ and the Afterlives of Korean War Memories
Seunghei Clara Hong (Yonsei University)
Division’s Ethical Demand: Remembering the Human in 5.18
Discussant: Sunyoung Park (University of Southern California), Daniel Kim (Brown University)
1:00-2:15pm Finding a Common Ground in the Classroom: Teaching Division/Partition Literature
Christi Merrill (University of Michigan)
Youngju Ryu (University of Michigan)
2:15-2:30pm Break
2:30-5:00pm Panel II: Literatures of Korean Diaspora in Northeast Asia (1940s-1960s)
Jerôme de Wit (University of Tübingen)
The Cultural Creation of the Ethnic Korean Minority in China: Focusing on the portrayal of local landscape in 1949-1950 Korean-Chinese Literature
Miya Qiong Xie (Dartmouth College)
Transnational Spatiality of Post-Liberation Korean Diaspora Literature in Northeast China
Shoya Unoda (Osaka University)
Listening to Silenced Voices of Nameless Zainichi Korean Poets in the 1950s: On a Poetry Magazine Chindallae and Kim Sijong
I. Jonathan Kief (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Between Center and Margins: Diaspora and the Doubled Lens of 1950s-1960s Ch’ongryŏn Writing
Discussants: Mi-Ryong Shim (University of Georgia), Yoon Sun Yang (Boston University)
Saturday November 23
8:30-10:30am Panel III: Transgenerational Temporalities and Division’s Legacies
Kelly Jeong (University of California, Riverside)
North Korean Action Hero in Contemporary South Korean Cinema
Thomas Ryan (Columbia University; Graduate Student)
The Division as Family Inheritance: The Persistence of the Spectral Father in Yi Ch’ang-dong’s Fiction and Film
Catherine Ryu (Michigan State University)
Ch'imajŏgori in Mind: Taking an Intimate Look into Zainichi Women's Narratives
Discussant: Kyeong-Hee Choi (University of Chicago)
10:30-10:45am Break
10:45-12:45pm Panel IV: Mobility, Alterity, and the Politics of Space
Ungsan Kim (University of Michigan)
Dreamscapes of the Borderlands: Mobility and Stasis in Zhang Lü’s Films
Soonyoung Lee (University of California, Riverside; Graduate Student)
The Changed Other in the Division System: Korean Chinese in Recent South Korean Films
Pil Ho Kim (Ohio State University)
Three-eight Minnows (Samp’al Ttaraji): Portrayals of Early North Korean Refugee Space
Discussant: Michelle Cho (University of Toronto)
1:45-4:00pm Panel V: Cold War Cultures, Past and Present
Dafna Zur (Stanford University)
Anne Frank in North Korea
Hye Seung Chung (Colorado State University)
Beyond Anti-Communism and National Propaganda: Cold War Film Censorship as a Collaborative Process of Cultural Regulation
Evelyn Shih (University of Colorado, Boulder)
TV as Parasite: A Comparison of Televisual Experience in 1970s Taiwan and South Korea
Discussants: Immanuel Kim (George Washington University), Se-Mi Oh (University of Michigan)
4:00-4:15pm Break
4:15-5:45pm Open Discussion: Korean Literature in the Age of Reconciliation
5:45-6:00pm Closing Remarks