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Information Session: Nam Center Undergraduate Fellowships

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
4:00 AM
Room 4659 School of Social Work Building
1080 S. University Ave.

Be recognized for your passion for Korean Studies by applying for the Nam Center Undergraduate Fellows Program

We invite all those interested in cutting-edge research on Korea from any major to apply to become a Nam Center Undergraduate Fellow and develop relationships and ties to Koreanists at U-M and with students at USC (University of Southern California).

Join us for an information session describing the benefits and requirements of the program and meet with this year's fellows!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013 | 4pm
Room 4659 in the School of Social Work Building
1080 S. University Ave.

Light Refreshments will be served.

RSVPs are appreciated.

If you are interested in the program, but cannot join us on the 24th, please contact Do-Hee Morsman ([email protected]) for more details.