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Curriculum Module Grant

This grant provides up to $3,000 to support the development of courses to add a significant Korea-related module to an existing course, or to develop a Korea-related module for a new course. 


All faculty from the Big Ten Academic Alliance who wish to significantly add, amplify, or enhance Korea content in existing or new courses. 

Proposal Requirements:

  • Applications should describe the proposed module and how it will add substantive content on Korea to the course. 
  • For existing courses, the current syllabus must be submitted and a revised syllabus will be requested upon conclusion of the project. 
  • Preference will be given to applications for courses where Korea is not a substantive part of the existing course or for new courses which propose innovative content. 
  • Grant funds can be used for expenses such as, but not limited to:
    • Research assistance (e.g. compiling bibliography, resource database, or lecture slides)
    • Translation assistance (e.g. Korean language materials to English for inclusion in the course)
    • Research materials/course resources (books, DVDs etc)
    • Travel for research (including per diem)
    • Field trips

Funding Amount:

A maximum $3,000 per application. 

To apply, e-mail the application form to [email protected]