China Understandings Today
Series Editors: Mary Gallagher & Emily Wilcox
Please send inquiries to [email protected].
A publication series dedicated to the study of contemporary China, China Understandings Today (CUT) seeks to present the latest and most innovative scholarship in social sciences and the humanities to the academic community as well as the general public.
China Understandings Today invites publication proposals from scholars engaged in the study of China from historical, comparative, and/or multi-disciplinary perspectives. Editors are committed to promoting interdisciplinary studies, and to encouraging new forms of scholarship. We are also interested in quality translations of select scholarship in Chinese.
The University of Michigan Press and the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan will provide support for manuscript development for the China Understandings Today series as well as necessary publication subventions.
Michigan Monographs in Chinese Studies
(archived, 1968-2005)
The publications program of the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies was founded in 1968 and has published more than a hundred volumes in a variety of disciplines within the study of China by scholars from around the world. Center titles continue to be adopted by other universities and colleges as textbooks for classes on Chinese language, literature, politics and culture, and over 80 volumes are currently in print.
Books in Print
LRCCS publications are marketed through the University of Michigan Press, and a complete listing of Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies titles currently in print can be found on their website: