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Seed Grants

Fellowship Description
Instructional/course development seed grants are awarded on a competitive basis to support the development of courses that have significant China-related content OR are designed to integrate China-related material as an analytical focus, in a comparative framework or as a case study.

Requirements & Eligibility

  • All U-M faculty who wish to development a course on the study of China are eligible to apply.
  • Preference will be given to proposals for courses with an entirely new or significantly innovative content or method.  Interdisciplinary and team-taught courses are encouraged.
  • Items that would be appropriate for LRCCS funding include, but are not limited to:
    • assistance for translation of articles from Chinese for inclusion in a course;
    • assistance for compiling a bibliography;
    • development of a slide-collection, digital and audio-visual resources, course tool sites, etc.

Funding Amount:  A maximum of up to $10,000 per application.

Deadline: Fall Term deadline: November 15th; Winter Term deadline: January 15th

Application Procedure

Download the Seed Grant Application.


Submit applications to us at [email protected]. Our staff will receive and respond to your inquiries.