GISC Faculty Statement on Academic Freedom
Recent political events have created a climate of discrimination, which concerns us deeply. We, the faculty of the Global Islamic Studies Center, wish to assure our students, colleagues, and staff that we remain committed to the ideal of fostering an inclusive environment for all members of our community. Our educational mission has been and remains committed to create a culture of learning where all voices are heard and respected so that we can grow together. We reject any form of prejudice, censorship, or exclusion and pledge our support for the individual rights of our community, regardless of disability, gender, gender identity; national, ethnic, religious, or sexual orientation; as well as immigration or veteran status.
We stand against any form of intolerance and violations of the basic academic freedoms of our faculty and students. As educators, we affirm our solidarity with our Muslim colleagues, students, and community members. We oppose the criminalization of Muslims worldwide on the part of the current American government. This action does not reflect the beliefs of most Americans and violates the core values of non-discrimination and equality at the heart of the American Constitution.
We affirm our right to conduct our research and teach our students without ideological or political interference. Pursuit of the truth and dissemination of knowledge are our mandate as scholars and educators, and we reject any attempt to intimidate those whose aim is to advance human knowledge. We will honor our obligation to provide unprejudiced scholarship and education, and look to the American government for continued support of that mission.