Ferhat Özgür, artist
In Turkish artist Ferhat Özgür’s Metamorphosis Chat, two women, clearly dear friends, are chatting over a cup of tea in a traditional Turkish living room. One of the women is neatly dressed in modern clothes, wearing makeup and jewelry. Her friend’s attire, with headscarf and no other adornment, is representative of a more conservative Muslim culture.
For full details, visit umma.umich.edu/view/exhibitions/2015-ferhat-ozgur.php.
Lead support for this exhibition is provided by the University of Michigan Institute for the Humanities and the Herbert W. and Susan L. Johe Endowment. Additional support is provided by the University of Michigan Islamic Studies Program, the Institute for Research on Women and Gender, the Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies, the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, and Women’s Studies.