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CANCELLED --- GISC Event. Hollywood Horror in Iran

Alireza Doostdar, Author and Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies and the Anthropology of Religion, University of Chicago
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
4:00-6:00 PM
Room 555 Weiser Hall Map
Edited 9/24/19:

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are sad to announce that our event "Hollywood Horror in Iran" has been CANCELLED. We are very sorry for the inconvenience, and we will be aiming to reschedule this event as soon as we can.

If you were planning to attend the event and want to stay updated on the possible rescheduling, you can join our newsletter here:, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter: @umichgisc

We are incredibly sorry for the inconvenience, but we hope to still see you all on Oct 1st for our first screening from our #Halaloween Muslim Horror Film Fest in the Michigan Theater.

Alireza Doostdar is an assistant professor of Islamic Studies and the Anthropology of Religion at the Divinity School and the College, University of Chicago. His first book, The Iranian Metaphysicals, was published by Princeton University Press in 2018.

Join us on September 24th, in 555 Weiser Hall at 4PM for a discussion on the reception of Hollywood horror in Iran and its differential uptake in discussions of filmic spirituality, on one side, and paranoia about satanism, on the other.

This event is free and open to the public.

If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation to attend this event, please contact us at [email protected], we'd be happy to help. As you may know, some accommodations may require more time for the university to arrange, so please let us know as soon as you can.
Building: Weiser Hall
Event Type: Presentation
Tags: Film, Lecture, Presentation, Religion, Spirituality
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Global Islamic Studies Center, International Institute

The Global Islamic Studies Center organizes a number of public events each year such as lectures, conferences, and films, many in collaboration with other U-M units. Please use our searchable events calendar for information about upcoming programs sponsored by GISC and the Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies Seminar (IISS).