Academic Program Specialist
[email protected]
Office Information:
Weiser Hall, 500 Church St., Suite 300
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1042
phone: 734.615.8482
Donia Human Rights Center;
DHRC Staff;
II Staff
Wes Wright (He/Him/His) is an Academic Program Specialist at the Donia Human Rights Center (DHRC). In this role he is responsible for organizing and coordinating DHRC events and communication, as well as managing and administering fellowships that the center has available for current students. Previously, he was an Admissions Counselor at the Office of Undergraduate Admissions (OUA) here at U-M from June 2022 - July 2024. He is also an AmeriCorps VISTA alumni. Wes graduated from Hope College in 2017 with a double BA in International Studies and Political Science. In 2022 he completed his MA in International Education Management from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS). In his free time, Wes loves to practice his instruments (guitar and drums), see live music, volunteer at Tiny Lions Cat Cafe and Adoption Center, participate in the ELI Conversation Circles, and enjoy his friends and family.