Professor Emerita, Public Policy
[email protected]
Office Information:
Wiell Hall; 735 S. State St.; 3227; Ann Arbor, MI 48109-3091
phone: 734.615.8683
Center for Middle Eastern & North African Studies;
CMENAS Faculty;
PICS Faculty;
Program in International and Comparative Studies;
DHRC Faculty Associates;
Donia Human Rights Center
Ph.D. in International Studies, University of Denver
Susan Waltz is a professor emerita of public policy at the Ford School. She specializes in human rights and international affairs, with a focus on arms transfer policy and regional expertise on North Africa. Waltz is author of Human Rights and Reform: Changing the Face of North African Politics (1995) and a series of articles on the historical origins of international human rights instruments. She also maintains the website Human Rights Advocacy and the History of International Human Rights Standards (, hosted by U-M. For some 15 years she was involved in international efforts to promote an international Arms Trade Treaty and has more recently focused on U.S. firearms export regulations. From 1993—99 Susan served on Amnesty International's international executive committee and since 2000 she has served terms on the national boards of the American Friends Service Committee, Amnesty International USA, and an executive committee overseeing the work of the Quaker United Nations Office, New York. Susan received her PhD in international studies from the University of Denver.