98. The Himalayan Journey of Walter N. Koelz: The University of Michigan Himalayan Expedition, 1932–1934
Carla M. Sinopoli
In the fall of 1932, University of Michigan naturalist Walter N. Koelz traveled to northwest India to lead a scientific collecting expedition in the rugged Himalayan regions of Western Tibet. Some eighteen months later he returned to the United States with a remarkable collection of biological specimens and an array of objects—Buddhist paintings, ritual objects, textiles, and household goods acquired from monasteries, households, and merchants. This book presents the diary entries Koelz wrote at the end of each day throughout his expedition, recounting in detail each day’s travels, bookended by a chapter contextualizing his acquisition of sacred Buddhist objects and an appendix that presents previously unpublished thangka paintings that he collected.
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See related books:
93. Wrapped in Beauty, by Grace Beardsley in collaboration with Carla M. Sinopoli
71. Persian Diary, 1939-1941, by Walter N. Koelz
Publisher: Museum of Anthropology
Month of Publication: February
Year of Publication: 2013
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
# of Pages: 320
Price: $28
ISBN: 978-0-915703-80-7
Monograph Series / Number: Anthropological Papers, 98
Illustrations: 88, including 72 color illustrations