Arthur F. Thurnau Professor; Professor, Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]
Office Information:
3454 GGB (George G. Brown Laboratory), 2350 Hayward
phone: 734.647.8249
African Studies Center;
ASC Faculty
Ph.D., Medical Engineering and Bioastronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, Division of Health Sciences and Technology, 2007
Major Projects:
- Led twelve undergraduates to Ghana as part of the Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates (GIEU). The GIEU students conducted clinical observations at Okomfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) in Kumasi and the Sene District for the purpose of creating a maternal health program focused on both the generation of innovative technological interventions and educational outreach.
- Co-developing an education program centered around global health design and social entrepreneurship that would include the development of a Global Health Design minor in the College of Engineering and the creation of a senior design course specializing in global health design.