Librarian, Health Sciences
[email protected]
Office Information:
Taubman Health Sciences Library, 1135 E. Catherine St., Ann Arbor MI 48109-5726
phone: 734-936-1399
African Studies Center;
ASC Faculty
I lead the Taubman Health Sciences Library's involvement in and response to global health initiatives and establish partnerships, promote and foster relationships, and create opportunities in research, teaching and learning in the health sciences. In my role as Global Health Coordinator, I develop and implement a range of efforts including programs, instruction, and services to contribute to the University's efforts in global health. I identify global information resources, cultivate partnerships within health sciences community, explore the role of global health informatics in instruction, incorporating librarians into global health initiatives, identify and investigate grant and funding opportunities, take part in research efforts in global health, and collaborate with faculty to lessen health disparities around the world using the power of information resources.