Assistant Research Scientist, Center for Japanese Studies
[email protected]Center for Japanese Studies; CJS Faculty; CJS Faculty Associates
Program in Japanese Pedagogy, Columbia University, 1992MA, Education and Human Development, University of Rochester, 1985
BA, Chuo University, 1975
Teaching History
Part-time Lecturer, Sophia University, Japan (1988-89)
Full-time Lecturer, Columbia University (1989-96)
Full-time Lecturer, Princeton University (1996-2000)
Full-time Lecturer, University of Michigan (2000-2020)
Major Publications
Rapid Reading Japanese - Improving Reading Skills of Intermediate and Advanced Students(Tokyo: The Japan Times, 1998)
"The Benefits of Including Metaphors in Japanese Language Instruction," Nihongo-kyooiku no Shintenkai, O. Kamada, et. al. (eds.) (Tokyo: Hituzisyobo, 2005)
TOBIRA Gateway to Advanced Japanese(Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers, 2009)
Power Up Your Kanji (Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers, 2010)
TOBIRA: Teaching Intermediate Japanese - Teachers' Guide (Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers, 2011)
Bilingual Dictionary of Similar Metaphors in English and Japanese (with Seiichi Makino) (Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers, to appear in 2012)
Board Member, Association of Teachers of Japanese (2007-10)
Fields of study
Japanese Pedagogy
Language Acquisition