Associate Professor, Buddhist and Korean Studies
[email protected]
Office Information:
202 S. Thayer, Suite 6111; Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
phone: 734.764.8652
Center for Japanese Studies;
CJS Faculty;
CJS Faculty Associates;
Nam Center for Korean Studies;
NCKS Core Faculty;
NCKS Faculty
PhD, Buddhist Studies, University of California (Berkeley), 2007
Research interests
Professor Juhn Ahn is currently investigating the intricate relation between the transformation of the Koryo elite and the new forms of Buddhism that developed in Korea during the fourteenth century. This research is being developed into a book-length study on the history of medieval Korean Buddhism and its relation to the question of identity among the Koryo elite. In addition to the history of Korean Buddhism, Professor Ahn also conducts research on Choson Dynasty (1392-1910) intellectual history and the history of Chan/Zen learning.
Recent Courses Taught
Introduction to Buddhism
Introduction to Premodern Korean Civilization
Introduction to the Study of Korean Religions
Natural Disasters in East Asia
Recent publications
- "The Merit of Not Making Merit: Buddhism and the Late Koryo Fiscal Crisis" (2010)
- Who Has the Last Word in Chan? Transmission, Secrecy, and Reading During the Northern Song Dynasty" (2009)
- This Way of Ours: Buddhist Memorial Temples and the Search for Values during the Late Koryo Dynasty (2009)
- "Zen and the Art of Nourishing Life: Labor, Exhaustion, and the Malady of Meditation" (2008)
- Center for Japanese Studies
- Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
- Nam Center for Korean Studies