Professor Emerita, Epidemiology/Global Public Health/Obstetrics and Gynecology
[email protected]
Office Information:
6610 SPH I
Ann Arbor MI 48109-2029
phone: 734-763-5173
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies;
LACS Faculty;
ASC Faculty;
Donia Human Rights Center;
DHRC Faculty Associates;
African Studies Center;
DHRC Faculty Steering Committee
As a reproductive epidemiologist, Dr. Harlow's research focuses on understanding patterns of menstrual function and gynecological morbidity across the lifespan, including most recent leadership in studies of the natural history of ovarian aging, development of a staging system for reproductive aging, and studies of the interface between ovarian aging and chronic disease. Her research encompasses the development and application of statistical methodologies that facilitate quantitative analysis of variation in physiologic processes as well as their application in longitudinal cohort studies. As Director of the Center for Midlife Science (formerly Center for Integrated Approaches to Complex Diseases), she provides stewardship for both the SWAN and the Michigan Bone Health and Metabolism Study (MBHMS) longitudinal cohort data and fosters research opportunities for junior faculty associated with this Center. She has chaired 25 dissertations, mentored numerous junior faculty at UM and other research institutions, and has over 150 peer-reviewed publications.