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"The Comparative Politics of Accountability, Transitional Justice & Civil Conflict: On the deployment of Human Rights & International Humanitarian Law”

Thursday, September 18, 2014
4:00 AM
1110 Weill Hall-Betty Ford Classroom

This event is sponsored by IPC

The IPC will host a comparative panel on human rights, conflict and peace processes. The panel will examine current narratives about human rights atrocities, the resolution of civil conflicts and the success of international legal policy instruments in producing reparation policy frameworks and consolidating democratic systems after conflict. This “South-South Axis Dialogue” will explore the global interconnections between accountability, the ‘Rule of Law’ and human rights policy principles that underline the ideals for creating democratic systems. It will engage the official narrative frameworks, which newly constituted states use to implement policy and establish state systems based on human rights ideals. It will address the difficulties states face after official inauguration. It will engage with international lessons from attempts to nationally integrate civic groups with histories of war; manage ongoing social conflicts over the distribution of rights, land, resources and life opportunities. The panelists will address how these states manage the endemic day-to-day violence often still present after conflicts have been officially ended. The dialogue will be held in the context of historical human rights based conflicts, International Humanitarian Law and the deployment of the principles of Truth, Justice and Accountability in order to establish and sustain long term peace.


Victoria Sanford; Professor and Chair, Department of Anthropology, Lehman College;  Director, Center for Human Rights & Peace Studies;  Doctoral Faculty, The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY)

Alejandro Castillejo-Cuellar; Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Anthropology at the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.

Omolade Adunbi; Assistant Professor, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS), University of Michigan

Yazier HenryLecturer, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan

John Ciorciari (moderator); Associate Professor and Co-Director of the International Policy Center; Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan

For additional information about this event or to review our speaker bio's, please visit:  IPC Events