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International Institute Individual Fellowship Grantee Panel

Thursday, January 12, 2012
5:00 AM
2609 School of Social Work Building

About the Fellowship: The International Institute Individual Fellowships are designed to support U-M students, regardless of citizenship, who are enrolled in a degree program and wish to participate in internships or conduct research abroad. Award amounts are up to $5,000.

A panel of grantees will discuss preparing their projects & applications, making in-country contacts, and the focus of their projects. Q & A will be held after presentations.

Eligibility Criteria: U-M undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students are eligible, regardless of citizenship. Applicants must be enrolled in a degree program. Ph.D. candidates are not eligible. Students graduating before the start of the project are not eligible. Eligible internship or research projects must be at least one month in length, constitute at least a 30-hour-per-week time commitment (exclusive of language training).

Project Categories

- Internships

- Research Projects

- Preliminary Dissertation Research

Deadline: The application deadline is Wednesday, February 15, 2012.

Application: For more information and the online application, visit the IIIF webpage at

Contact: Kelly Peckens ([email protected]), (734) 764-9135.