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Where are the Black Students in Language Education? Critical Race Pedagogy for Social Justice in Language Education

Professor Uju Anya, Carnegie Mellon University
Monday, February 3, 2025
4:00-5:30 PM
RLL Commons (MLB 4314) Modern Languages Building Map
To address racial inequity and how the identities, experiences, and specific needs of Black students have been mostly ignored in language education,
we must reckon with social justice problems of racism and anti-Blackness in research, school programs, teacher training, curriculum, and instructional practices.
This presentation explores how we can center Black students in language education and introduces a critical race pedagogy for language teaching to promote antiracism, equity-mindedness, and greater inclusivity and belonging for diverse types of marginalized populations.

Romance Languages and Literatures DEI Committee
Building: Modern Languages Building
Event Type: Lecture / Discussion
Tags: African American, Asian Languages And Cultures, Career, Children, Communications, conference, Culture, Discussion, Diversity, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Education, Faculty, Free, global, History, Human Right, Humanities, In Person, Inclusion, intercultural, Interdisciplinary, international institute, Language, Learning Center, Lecture, Linguistics, Majors, Media, Multicultural, Multilingual, Presentation, Research, seminar, Social Impact, Social Sciences, Talk, Teaching
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Romance Languages & Literatures RLL, International Institute, Language Resource Center, Asian Languages and Cultures, Department of Linguistics, Germanic Languages & Literatures

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