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WCEE Distinguished lecture. Russia Beyond Putin

Vladimir Kara-Murza, Russian opposition politician, historian, and former political prisoner, current Vice President of the Free Russia Foundation
Monday, March 24, 2025
5:30-7:00 PM
Amphitheatre Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.) Map
Kremlin propaganda wants the world to believe that all Russians support Vladimir Putin and his war of aggression in Ukraine. But the reality is very different: beyond the Putin regime, and despite its breathtaking repression, many Russians believe in a very different—hopeful, peaceful, democratic—future for their country. In this lecture, Vladimir Kara-Murza, a Russian opposition politician, author, historian, and former political prisoner who was freed as part of a large-scale East-West prisoner exchange in August 2024, will speak about the opposition, the state of human rights, and the struggle for democracy in Putin’s Russia.

Vladimir Kara-Murza is a Russian politician, author, historian, and former political prisoner. A close colleague of the slain opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, he has served as deputy leader of the People’s Freedom Party and was a candidate for the Russian Parliament. Leading diplomatic efforts on behalf of the opposition, Kara-Murza played a key role in the adoption of Magnitsky sanctions against top Russian officials by the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, Canada, and Australia. For this work he was twice poisoned and left in a coma; a joint media investigation by Bellingcat, The Insider, and Der Spiegel has identified FSB officers behind the attacks. In April 2022, Kara-Murza was arrested in Moscow for publicly denouncing the invasion of Ukraine and the war crimes committed by Russian forces. Following a closed-door trial at the Moscow City Court, he was sentenced to 25 years for “high treason” and kept in solitary confinement at a maximum-security prison in Siberia. He was released in August 2024 as part of the largest East-West prisoner exchange since the Cold War negotiated by the U.S. and German governments.

Kara-Murza is a contributing writer at The Washington Post, winning the 2024 Pulitzer Prize for his columns written from prison, and has previously worked for Echo of Moscow, BBC, RTVi, Kommersant, World Affairs, and other media organizations. He currently serves as vice-president at the Free Russia Foundation, as senior advisor at Human Rights First, and as senior fellow at the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights. He was the founding chairman of the Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom and has led successful international efforts to commemorate Nemtsov, including with street designations in Washington D.C. and London. Kara-Murza is a recipient of several awards, including the Council of Europe’s Václav Havel Human Rights Prize, and is an honorary fellow at Trinity Hall, Cambridge.

If there is anything we can do to make this event accessible to you, please contact us. Please be aware that advance notice is necessary as some accommodations may require more time for the university to arrange.
Building: Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.)
Event Type: Lecture / Discussion
Tags: democracy, Eastern Europe, europe, human rights, russia
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia, International Institute

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